[AccessD] Back again....

Gustav Brock gustav at cactus.dk
Sat Mar 3 02:41:31 CST 2007

Hi Bruce

Welcome back!

How is your experience with Postgres?

I haven't worked that much with the topics you mention (I stay off maximized forms), except that bookmarks need to be set after a change of the recordset. Use the ID to quickly locate the record again.


>>> bbruen at unwired.com.au 03-03-07 6:19 >>>
Hi folks,

I'm baaaaack!  After a long absence in the wonderful world of penguins and 
prostgres I've got another job with an M$-bound client.  So its back to 
Access to get the job done.

What I have though is a perennial problem with forms event handling.  It seems  
to me that the way A23k is processing form events is inconsistent at the 
least.  Let me give a few examples.

1. The standard open event sequence is disturbed by any action taken within a 
handler for that event that affects screen rendering.  So, putting a 
DoCmd.Maximize in the onOpen handler for instance causes an immediate and 
cascaded Load=>Resize=>GotFocus=>Resize chain to occur.  I realize that 
the "proper place" for the maximize is in the onActivate handler, but this is 
an example to better explain the following...

2. There appears to be no way to get a consistent, i.e. across the board, way 
to get a "DoCmd.GotoRecord acRecord" to happen.  I have tried to put it in 
the onLoad handler, but then Shift F9 doesn't fire this??   

3. Similarly, filtering or sorting (in a continous records form) keeps putting 
the bookmark back at the first record in the dataset.  Is there no built in 
way to keep the bookmark at the current record?

4. Conditional formatting on a continuous form generates multiple refreshes 
which is a major eyesore on the load.  I have tried in vain to use Echo 
False/Echo True in the event handler chain to stop this to no avail.  Has 
anyone got a solution?



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