martyconnelly at
Thu May 10 14:26:29 CDT 2007
You can do with Dir but I find the recursion easier with FSO Sub test() 'List all files and directories under a folder recursively Dim oFSO As Object Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") ListFiles oFSO, "C:\Access files\Directories" Set oFSO = Nothing End Sub Function ListFiles(oFSO As Object, FolderName As String) Dim pFile As Object 'Scripting.File Dim pFolder As Object 'Scripting.Folder Dim oFolder As Object 'Scripting.Folder With oFSO.GetFolder(FolderName) Debug.Print "Folder ---- "; EndSlash(FolderName) For Each pFile In .Files Debug.Print " ---- "; pFile.Name; pFile.DateLastModified Next For Each pFolder In .subFolders ListFiles oFSO, pFolder.path Next End With End Function Function EndSlash(sPath) If Not Right(sPath, 1) = "\" Then sPath = sPath & "\" EndSlash = sPath End Function Arthur Fuller wrote: >Imagine this, if you will: > >A potential client invented an Excel system for doing estimates and orders. >Each estimate or order is a separate file. There are subdirs named for each >client. There are now hundreds of Excel files. > >Now the potential client has realized the error of his ways and wants to >import everything into an Access db and stop using Excel. > >I haven't seen the data yet, so I can only hope and pray that the Excel >files all work from the same template. Otherwise all hell breaks lose. > >But supposing that in this best of all possible worlds, all the Excel files >are structurally similar. I already know how to talk to a given Excel file >and extract its contents into various tables. What I don't know is how to >walk the directory tree and examine and extract from every file I find in >said tree. I think it has something to do with the Dir() function, but I've >forgotten. > >TIA, >Arthur > > -- Marty Connelly Victoria, B.C. Canada