[AccessD] Reading an .ldb File

Susan Jones susanj at sgmeet.com
Wed Apr 9 13:58:41 CDT 2008

Nice!  Thanks for sharing - I'm way too excited about this new trick!

At 01:47 PM 4/9/08, you wrote:

>Just for FYI:
>This morning I was working with a customer where someone had opened a
>database which we needed to close, but we didn't have way of finding out who
>had opened it.  Out of frustration, I made a copy of the .ldb file, changed
>the .ldb to .txt, and opened the file.  Lo and Behold - the user names and
>computer names of the logged in users were displayed.
>Interestingly, it appears that the first person who logs in has their user
>displayed as Admin, not their actual user name.  But because the computer
>name was correct, we were able to figure out who it was and get him to close
>his instance of Access.
>The computer names and user names are all in the first row of text, so you
>may want to hit the Enter key a few times for better readability.
>Perhaps this would be useful...!
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