[AccessD] Need help with Dmax when source is empty

Stuart McLachlan stuart at lexacorp.com.pg
Tue Apr 29 20:57:01 CDT 2008

If there are no existing records, DMax() will return a Null.  Use the NZ() function to convert 
the Null to a Zero.

EquipmentSequence = NZ(DMax("EquipmentSequence", "tblEquipment",
"[EquipmentTypeCode] = '" & EquipmentTypeCode & "'"),0) + 1

On 29 Apr 2008 at 21:43, Bob Gajewski wrote:

> Hello Friends
> I am putting together a quick table and form for equipment. The index
> consists of two fields: EquipmentTypeCode (which is a two-character text
> field) and EquipmentSequence (which is a long integer field).
> I have got the code so that after the user selects the type code, the
> program will automatically assign the next sequence. This works fine as long
> as there is already at least one record for that type code. My problem is
> when there is no record for that type code - how do I check for that, so
> that I can set the sequence number to 1 ?
> I appreciate any suggestions or guidance.
> Best regards,
> Bob Gajewski
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> Private Sub EquipmentTypeCode_AfterUpdate()
> EquipmentSequence = DMax("EquipmentSequence", "tblEquipment",
> "[EquipmentTypeCode] = '" & EquipmentTypeCode & "'") + 1
> If EquipmentSequence < 1 Then
>     EquipmentSequence = 1
> End If
> EquipmentSerialNumber.SetFocus
> LastUpdated = Date
> End Sub

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