Bob Gajewski
rbgajewski at
Tue Apr 29 20:43:55 CDT 2008
Hello Friends I am putting together a quick table and form for equipment. The index consists of two fields: EquipmentTypeCode (which is a two-character text field) and EquipmentSequence (which is a long integer field). I have got the code so that after the user selects the type code, the program will automatically assign the next sequence. This works fine as long as there is already at least one record for that type code. My problem is when there is no record for that type code - how do I check for that, so that I can set the sequence number to 1 ? I appreciate any suggestions or guidance. Best regards, Bob Gajewski CODE ----------------------------------------------------------- Private Sub EquipmentTypeCode_AfterUpdate() EquipmentSequence = DMax("EquipmentSequence", "tblEquipment", "[EquipmentTypeCode] = '" & EquipmentTypeCode & "'") + 1 If EquipmentSequence < 1 Then EquipmentSequence = 1 End If EquipmentSerialNumber.SetFocus LastUpdated = Date End Sub ----------------------------------------------------------- Private Sub EquipmentSequence_AfterUpdate() LastUpdated = Date End Sub ----------------------------------------------------------- Private Sub EquipmentSerialNumber_AfterUpdate() LastUpdated = Date End Sub