jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com
Tue Dec 16 07:45:56 CST 2008
Hello ladies and gentlemen. It appears that I may have a new client, and unfortunately he is tasked with moving an app from Access 97 to Access 2007. I am not really sure what my part of the project is but I have to get prepared by getting up to speed on Access / office 2007. I read with interest the thread about turning off the ribbon bar and discovering what version you are in (drops into the framework). I also read the thread about 2007 and previous versions fighting each other on startup so I will be running 2007 in a VM on my dev machine so as not to screw everything up. Any other words of wisdom? Also has anyone heard from Arthur lately? I read his post about medical issues and then silence... John W. Colby www.ColbyConsulting.com