[AccessD] 2007<-->2003

Shamil Salakhetdinov shamil at users.mns.ru
Wed Jan 30 13:32:38 CST 2008

Hi Gustav,

Are there somewhere on VMWare site some instructions how to set-up/tune
VMWare server for its VMs to be available on a Host PC and via network?: I
have installed/generated several VMs but they are not available even on a
host PC - I mean they are not available in local network neighborhood on PC
where VMWare server is running - LAN is just workgroup, no domain server.

Of course VMs are running :) 

I recall I had VMWare Workstation in the past, and when VM were generated on
it then they became immediately available on a host PC.

It's somehow not like that simple with VMWare Sever.

I'm probably missing something very simple.

Thank you.


-----Original Message-----
From: accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com
[mailto:accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com] On Behalf Of Gustav Brock
Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2008 8:07 PM
To: accessd at databaseadvisors.com
Subject: Re: [AccessD] 2007<-->2003

Hi Rocky

Start with the free server version installed on some capable machine:


Create the virtual machines you wish on this. Any virtual machine can be
copied to another VMware Server or (have not tested that) the VMware Player.
On the server, don't forget to install for each virtual Windows machine the
VMware tools to speed up mouse access and more.



>>> rockysmolin at bchacc.com 29-01-2008 19:47:20 >>>
Dang.  Hate to pay $170 just so I can occasionally run an Access 2007
program, especially when I got O2K7 for practically nothing (don't ask; it's

What's the freeware version give me?


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