robert at
Sat Jun 7 09:12:25 CDT 2008
Hello All, Is there anyone here that is using the A07 SageKey scripts on Vista successfully? I have used their A2000 and A2002 scripts with acceptable results, but I'm having major problems with A2007 scripts. OS Vista (Updated) A07 Runtime (latest Version) SageKey's web site say's: "Installations built using our tools will automatically be able to run macros without displaying any security warnings. You will also be able to add additional folders as trusted locations with our tools" In the scripts they also say: "At the end of the install, the Sagekey scripts will open up permissions on MAINDIR to give all Users Full Control. This is done to ensure that regardless of where the end user chooses to install the application, it will run properly." But it appears that this is not happening. This is what is happening: 1) Installation processes correctly (As Administrator) 2) User logs in to my Application (.mde) and is confronted by a security warning. 3) If the user selects continue, the user is then confronted by my re-linking code. The problem is, it *appears* that the folder(s) created by the SageKey scripts are {Read Only}, and the permissions for the folder are not set to full control. 4) This causes the re-linking code to fail, and my shuts down. If I modify my root directory (located under the ProgramData dir) G.B.S. (un-tick Read Only) and set permissions to full control all (with the exception of the security msg) loads fine. Steve, from SageKey, has address some small minor issues, but interestingly enough not these, which are in my view major problems. Any Idea's ??? WBR ~Robert