[AccessD] Treat string as array

Gustav Brock Gustav at cactus.dk
Sat Mar 22 19:10:43 CDT 2008

Hi John

Have you forgotten how to read a file into a byte array? It is so easy as it hurts:

Public Function aTest(strA As String)

  Dim abytTest()  As Byte
  Dim intChar     As Integer
  abytTest = strConv(strA, vbFromUnicode)
  For intChar = LBound(abytTest) To UBound(abytTest)
    Debug.Print abytTest(intChar);
  For intChar = LBound(abytTest) To UBound(abytTest)
    Debug.Print Chr(abytTest(intChar));
End Function


>>> jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com 22-03-2008 22:14:56 >>>
How can I turn a string into an array?  I need to iterate through the
characters of a string.

For each char in str
	dosomething char
Next char

John W. Colby
Colby Consulting

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