[AccessD] A2003: SQL Trusted Connection Error to SQL Server 2000

Stuart McLachlan stuart at lexacorp.com.pg
Mon Nov 17 00:35:40 CST 2008

Is the server set up for User AND Wndows authentication 

>From the error message, it looks as though it is set up to use Windows authentication.
Does the *logged in user* on the problem machine have access rights to SomedB?

On 17 Nov 2008 at 17:11, Darren D wrote:

> Hi Team
> I have one machine that regardless off what I do it just will not 'connect' to
> anything in our SQL Server Databases
> I am running some on the fly pass through code for running queries etc in the
> SQL dB - (I can forward that if needed)
> The passthrough code works like a charm on my machine but always always always
> fails on this one machine - I am convinced there is something setup or not setup
> on that machine
> Anyway even when I pass the user name and password in the connection string for
> the SQL Connection it still fails (Debug.print below)
> Server};Server=OurServer;Database=SomedB; -u dd; -p xxx123xxx (credentials
> changed but you get the idea)
> Error Message:
> "Connection Failed"
> SQL State: '28000'
> SQL Server error; 18452 [Microsft] [ODBC SQL Server Driver] [SQL Server] Login
> failed for user '(null)'. Reason: not associated with a trusted SQL Server
> Connection 
> So - It claims I am passing a null value in the connection string for the user -
> but this is not true 
> Then when the user clicks ok there is a small SQL server logon screen with the
> users name in the Username field
> This is killing me - Any suggestions? - Anyone dealt with this before?
> DD
> -- 
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