Kenneth Ismert
kismert at
Tue Apr 7 09:38:47 CDT 2009
Drew: "... It [ASP.NET] has it's advantages, but there isn't anything you can't do with ASP and a client side script." All the user sees is HTML, some style sheets, Javascript, and a bunch of supporting files (graphics, flash, etc.). From the user's perspective, *any* platform can deliver the same experience. The real question is: what can your platform do for you? That takes me back to my point of frameworks. Take advantage of other people's code, whether it's a CMS or a more abstract MVC framework. If you do that, your coding requirements are rather slim. I used a CMS, and got by with a syntax-highlighting text editor and a Grep tool. The Javascript stuff is especially tricky, with it's own set of set of cross-browser incompatibilities. Get a Javascript framework to do the heavy lifting for you. There is no need to be a He-man or woman and roll it all yourself. Cheat. Your users will never know the difference. William: "...IE8 Developer's Tools is actually a pretty good port of FireBug to IE8 and comes with every install." I need to upgrade my Vista machine at work to IE8. When I do, I'll check out the Developer's Tools. Hopefully they are a big improvement over what IE7 & 6 offered. -Ken