[AccessD] ZIpping Files

Stuart McLachlan stuart at lexacorp.com.pg
Wed Feb 18 05:15:06 CST 2009

On 18 Feb 2009 at 21:06, Stuart McLachlan wrote:

> Function EnumerateZipContents(ZipFileName As String) As Variant
> 'Returns an Array containing all folder and file names in the zip
>   EnumerateZipContents = Split(ListFilesInZipFolder(ZipFileName), Chr$(13) & Chr$(10))
> End Function

That returns a blank last array element. It should be:

Function EnumerateZipContents(ZipFileName As String) As Variant
 'Returns an Array containing all folder and file names in the zip
  Dim strTemp As String
  strTemp = ListFilesInZipFolder(ZipFileName)
  'strip last crlf
  strTemp = Left$(strTemp, Len(strTemp) - 2)
  EnumerateZipContents = Split(strTemp, Chr$(13) & Chr$(10))
End Function

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