jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com
Mon Feb 23 19:38:14 CST 2009
Exactly and exactly. John W. Colby www.ColbyConsulting.com Stuart McLachlan wrote: > That's the theory. In practice Functions do not *need* to return a value, you can replace > "Sub" with "Function" anywhere you like, but you can only replace "Function" with "Sub" if > there is no return value. > > I tend to use "Function" all the time, the only "Sub"s you'll see in my apps are the built in > events in Forms etc. > > It's also good practice to "type" Functions which do return a value, otherwise you have the > overhead of converting from/to variants - it also makes it clear whether a Function does in > fact return a value. Here it would be preferable to use: "Function EndTimer() As Long" >