Doug Murphy
dw-murphy at
Thu Jan 22 15:35:23 CST 2009
Folks, I have a client who reports their client contacts to the State. In the contact record they have a note field that the person talking to the client makes notes in. A report is generated at the end of the month listing contacts. An issue came up about personnel making spelling and grammar errors in the notes so, at the clients request, I added a spelling and grammar checker by automating those functions from Word. Access can do spell checking but not grammar so the need for getting those functions from Word. The application is in 2007 and on my development machine Access 2007 on Windows XP it works great. The clients machines are Office 2007 on Vista. When we run the app on the clients machines the dialog opens in the background and freezes the app until Word Spell/Grammar checker is canceled in the Task Manager. My question is: is there a way to bring the Word dialog box window to the front or cause it to open on top of the Access application? Thanks in advance. Doug