Max Wanadoo
max.wanadoo at
Tue Jun 30 07:57:38 CDT 2009
Don't know if this is of use to any one? Max *Public Sub psAddTableDescription() ' this will add the current total of records in the table as a Description on the Table which can ' then be viewed in the Database Window ' Max Sherman June 2009. Feel free to do what you want with it. ' I use a similar procedure to allow users to put their own comments onto Reports which they can ' then use to remember whatever it is they want to remember. All reports are shown in a Form which ' the users can select from (filtered by function) with their own description alongside. ' It then occured to me that I could use this to put the Record Count in the Description column of the ' tables in the Database Window.* * On Error GoTo errhandler DoCmd.Hourglass True Dim dbs As DAO.Database Dim tbl As DAO.TableDef, rst As DAO.Recordset, rstCt As Long Dim cnt As DAO.Container, Doc As DAO.Document Dim strCon As String, strDesc As String, strDoc As String, strValue As String Set dbs = CurrentDb strCon = "Tables" strDesc = "Description" For Each tbl In CurrentDb.TableDefs strDoc = tbl.Name If Left(strDoc, 4) = "msys" Then 'ignore Else Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strDoc) If Not rst.EOF Then rst.MoveLast rstCt = rst.RecordCount Else rstCt = 0 End If strValue = "Recs: " & Format(rstCt, "#,0") Set rst = Nothing Set cnt = dbs.Containers(strCon) Set Doc = cnt(strDoc) Doc.Properties.Refresh Doc.Properties(strDesc) = strValue End If Next tbl DoCmd.Hourglass False MsgBox "Done" exithere: Set dbs = Nothing: Set rst = Nothing: Set cnt = Nothing: Set Doc = Nothing Exit Sub errhandler: Select Case Err.Number Case 3270 ' property not defined, so create it Call sCreateDocProperty(strCon, strDoc, strDesc, strValue, strType:=dbText) Resume Next Case Else MsgBox "Error in psAddTableDescription: " & Err.Number & vbCrLf & Err.Description End Select Resume Next 'exithere End Sub Public Sub sCreateDocProperty(strCon, strDoc, strDesc, strValue, strType) On Error GoTo exithere Dim dbs As DAO.Database, cnt As DAO.Container, Doc As DAO.Document, prp As DAO.Property Set dbs = CurrentDb Set cnt = dbs.Containers(strCon) Set Doc = cnt(strDoc) Set prp = dbs.CreateProperty(strDesc, strType, strValue) Doc.Properties.Append prp exithere: Set dbs = Nothing: Set cnt = Nothing: Set Doc = Nothing: Set prp = Nothing Exit Sub End Sub* **