jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com
Mon Oct 26 12:29:02 CDT 2009
Second class - the supervisor: Option Compare Database Option Explicit Private colClsCtlsSorted As Collection Private Sub Class_Initialize() Set colClsCtlsSorted = New Collection End Sub Private Sub Class_Terminate() Set colClsCtlsSorted = Nothing End Sub Function mInit(frm As Form) mScanFormForSections frm End Function ' 'Returns a string of all controls and what object they belong to ' Property Get pCtlNames() As String Dim lclsCtlsSorted As clsCtlsSorted Dim strCtlNames As String For Each lclsCtlsSorted In colClsCtlsSorted strCtlNames = strCtlNames & lclsCtlsSorted.pCtlNames() & vbCrLf Next lclsCtlsSorted pCtlNames = strCtlNames Debug.Print strCtlNames End Property ' 'The class factory creates an instance of clsCtlsSorted, 'passing in the name of the object in the form 'that contained the controls collection ' 'After the class is instantiated and initialized, 'the instance is stored in colClsCtlsSorted 'keyed on the name of the object that contained the controls collection ' Private Function mClassFactory(lstrObjName As String, colControls As Object, blnIsSection As Boolean) Dim lclsCtlsSorted As clsCtlsSorted Set lclsCtlsSorted = New clsCtlsSorted lclsCtlsSorted.mInit lstrObjName, colControls, blnIsSection colClsCtlsSorted.Add lclsCtlsSorted, lstrObjName End Function ' 'Return the entire collection of all instances of clsCtlSorted ' Property Get colClsControlsSorted() As Collection Set colClsControlsSorted = colClsCtlsSorted End Property ' 'Return a clsCtlSorted instance for a specific object (tab, form section etc) ' 'strObjName is the name of the tab page, control section etc. ' Function cControlsSorted(strObjName As String) As clsCtlsSorted On Error Resume Next Set cControlsSorted = colClsCtlsSorted(strObjName) End Function ' 'Finds every section of a form 'Having found any valid section, it creates an 'instance of clsCtlsSorted for that section ' '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Procedure : mScanFormForSections ' Author : jwcolby ' Date : 10/26/2009 ' Purpose : '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function mScanFormForSections(frm As Form) Dim sec As Section Dim intSection As Integer On Error GoTo Err_mScanFormForSections On Error Resume Next For intSection = 0 To 4 'There are only 5 sections in a form Set sec = frm.Section(intSection) 'Test to see if the section exists If Err = 0 Then 'The section exists so On Error GoTo Err_mScanFormForSections mClassFactory sec.Name, sec.Controls(), True 'Get an instance of lclsCtlsSorted mScanSectionForControls sec 'Now scan the section for tab controls Else Err.Clear End If Next intSection Exit_mScanFormForSections: On Error Resume Next Exit Function Err_mScanFormForSections: Select Case Err Case 0 '.insert Errors you wish to ignore here Resume Next Case Else '.All other errors will trap Beep MsgBox Err.Number & ":" & Err.Description Resume Exit_mScanFormForSections End Select Resume 0 '.FOR TROUBLESHOOTING End Function ' 'Sections can contain tabs 'which contain pages which contain controls ' Function mScanSectionForControls(sec As Section) Dim ctl As Control For Each ctl In sec.Controls 'Iterate the section's contyrol collection If ctl.ControlType = acTabCtl Then 'Look for tab controls mScanTabForPages ctl 'Look for pages of the tab control End If Next ctl End Function ' 'Find all pages of a tab control ' Function mScanTabForPages(ctlTab As Control) Dim pg As page For Each pg In ctlTab.Pages 'Iterate the page collection mClassFactory ctlTab.Name & "." & pg.Name, pg.Controls, False 'Get an instance of lclsCtlsSorted for the page Next pg End Function John W. Colby www.ColbyConsulting.com A.D.Tejpal wrote: > Run time handling of form controls in the order of tab index. > ======================================== > > Use of a collection as suggested by J.C., appears to be the optimum > approach, provided the point raised by Ken is addressed suitably. A form > having three tab controls each with 4 pages, would need 15 collections as > each form section or tab control page has its own set of tab indices for > controls located therein. > > There could be an interesting way to handle this requirement > conveniently by adoption of a single collection where each of its elements > is itself a collection, permitting a generic subroutine to handle unlimited > number of tab control pages apart from the three form sections (detail, > header & footer)