jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com
Tue Oct 27 21:39:06 CDT 2009
And the supervisor. Again very similar except that the entire control scanner is in this class now. that method is really the only tricky part. Where the control was not directly in the form I had to index into the colClsCtlsSorted using Ctl.Parent.Parent.name. The parent is the page and the parent.parent is the tab. ' 'clsCtlSortSupervisor2 ' Option Compare Database Option Explicit Private colClsCtlsSorted As Collection Private Sub Class_Initialize() Set colClsCtlsSorted = New Collection End Sub Private Sub Class_Terminate() Set colClsCtlsSorted = Nothing End Sub Function mInit(frm As Form) mScanFormForSections frm mSortcontrols End Function ' 'Return the entire collection of all instances of clsCtlSorted ' Property Get colClsControlsSorted() As Collection Set colClsControlsSorted = colClsCtlsSorted End Property ' 'Return a clsCtlSorted instance for a specific object (tab, form section etc) ' 'strObjName is the name of the tab page, control section etc. ' Function cControlsSorted(strObjName As String) As clsCtlsSorted On Error Resume Next Set cControlsSorted = colClsCtlsSorted(strObjName) End Function ' 'Returns a string of all controls and what object they belong to ' '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Procedure : pCtlNames ' Author : jwcolby ' Date : 10/27/2009 ' Purpose : '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Property Get pCtlNames() As String Dim lclsCtlsSorted As clsCtlsSorted2 Dim strCtlNames As String On Error GoTo Err_pCtlNames For Each lclsCtlsSorted In colClsCtlsSorted strCtlNames = strCtlNames & lclsCtlsSorted.pCtlNames() & vbCrLf Next lclsCtlsSorted pCtlNames = strCtlNames Debug.Print strCtlNames Exit_pCtlNames: On Error Resume Next Exit Property Err_pCtlNames: Select Case Err Case 0 '.insert Errors you wish to ignore here Resume Next Case Else '.All other errors will trap Beep MsgBox Err.Number & ":" & Err.Description Resume Exit_pCtlNames End Select Resume 0 '.FOR TROUBLESHOOTING End Property ' 'The class factory createa an instance of clsCtlsSorted, 'passing in the name of the object in the form 'that contained the controls collection ' 'After the class is instantiated and initialized, 'the instance is stored in colClsCtlsSorted 'keyed on the name of the object that contained the controls collection ' '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Procedure : mClassFactory ' Author : jwcolby ' Date : 10/27/2009 ' Purpose : '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Private Function mClassFactory(lstrObjName As String) Dim lclsCtlsSorted As clsCtlsSorted2 On Error GoTo Err_mClassFactory Set lclsCtlsSorted = New clsCtlsSorted2 lclsCtlsSorted.mInit lstrObjName colClsCtlsSorted.Add lclsCtlsSorted, lstrObjName Exit_mClassFactory: On Error Resume Next Exit Function Err_mClassFactory: Select Case Err Case 0 '.insert Errors you wish to ignore here Resume Next Case Else '.All other errors will trap Beep MsgBox Err.Number & ":" & Err.Description Resume Exit_mClassFactory End Select Resume 0 '.FOR TROUBLESHOOTING End Function ' 'Sections can contain tabs 'which contain pages which contain controls ' '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Procedure : mScanSectionForControls ' Author : jwcolby ' Date : 10/27/2009 ' Purpose : '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function mScanSectionForControls(sec As Section) Dim ctl As Control Dim lclsSectionCtlsSorted As clsCtlsSorted2 ' Dim lclsTabPgCtlsSorted As clsCtlsSorted2 Dim intTabIndex As Integer 'Dim a variable to use to generate an error if the control does NOT have a tabindex property Dim ctlParent As Control 'Dim a variable to test whether the parent is a control On Error GoTo Err_mScanSectionForControls Set lclsSectionCtlsSorted = colClsCtlsSorted(sec.Name) 'Pull the instance for the section For Each ctl In sec.Controls 'Iterate the section's contyrol collection On Error Resume Next intTabIndex = ctl.TabIndex 'Test for the TabIndex property If Err = 0 Then 'If no error then process control (store in the collection) Debug.Print sec.Name & ":" & ctl.Name & "::" & ctl.Parent.Name If ctl.ControlType = acTabCtl Then 'Look for tab controls lclsSectionCtlsSorted.mAddCtl ctl 'Place this control in the sections class instance mScanTabForPages ctl Else Err.Clear Set ctlParent = ctl.Parent If Err = 0 Then 'this control is on another control so store in the right class instance On Error GoTo Err_mScanSectionForControls Set lclsTabPgCtlsSorted = colClsCtlsSorted(ctlParent.Parent.Name & "." & ctlParent.Name) lclsTabPgCtlsSorted.mAddCtl ctl Else On Error GoTo Err_mScanSectionForControls lclsSectionCtlsSorted.mAddCtl ctl 'this control is directly in the section so store in that instance Err.Clear End If End If Else Err.Clear End If Next ctl Exit_mScanSectionForControls: On Error Resume Next Exit Function Err_mScanSectionForControls: Select Case Err Case 0 '.insert Errors you wish to ignore here Resume Next ' Case 91 'Class not instantiated ' mClassFactory ctlParent.Parent.Name & "." & ctlParent.Name ' Resume 0 Case Else '.All other errors will trap Beep MsgBox Err.Number & ":" & Err.Description Resume Exit_mScanSectionForControls End Select Resume 0 '.FOR TROUBLESHOOTING End Function ' 'Find all pages of a tab control ' Function mScanTabForPages(ctlTab As Control) Dim pg As page For Each pg In ctlTab.Pages 'Iterate the page collection mClassFactory ctlTab.Name & "." & pg.Name 'Get an instance of lclsCtlsSorted for the page Next pg End Function ' 'Finds every section of a form 'Having found any valid section, it creates an 'instance of clsCtlsSorted for that section ' '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Procedure : mScanFormForSections ' Author : jwcolby ' Date : 10/26/2009 ' Purpose : '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Function mScanFormForSections(frm As Form) Dim sec As Section Dim intSection As Integer On Error GoTo Err_mScanFormForSections On Error Resume Next For intSection = 0 To 4 'There are only 5 sections in a form Set sec = frm.Section(intSection) 'Test to see if the section exists If Err = 0 Then 'The section exists so On Error GoTo Err_mScanFormForSections mClassFactory sec.Name 'Get an instance of lclsCtlsSorted mScanSectionForControls sec 'Now scan the section for tab controls Else Err.Clear End If Next intSection Exit_mScanFormForSections: On Error Resume Next Exit Function Err_mScanFormForSections: Select Case Err Case 0 '.insert Errors you wish to ignore here Resume Next Case Else '.All other errors will trap Beep MsgBox Err.Number & ":" & Err.Description Resume Exit_mScanFormForSections End Select Resume 0 '.FOR TROUBLESHOOTING End Function Function mSortcontrols() Dim lclsCtlsSorted As clsCtlsSorted2 For Each lclsCtlsSorted In colClsCtlsSorted lclsCtlsSorted.mSortcontrols Next lclsCtlsSorted End Function John W. Colby www.ColbyConsulting.com A.D.Tejpal wrote: > JC, > > Thanks for providing a nice class based solution so promptly. Your well > known command over classes deserves to be complimented.