jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com
Tue Aug 31 20:37:55 CDT 2010
One of the challenges of using an "addin" library is placing forms in the add-in but having them load records from the FE. For example if I make a bound form to load the users table but I leave that form in the library (add-in), then when the form opens it tries to load the data from the table in the library. IOW a form tries to pull its data from whatever container it is placed in. One way around that is to use the "in 'MyFePath\MyDbName.mdb' syntax that is valid in access. As an example SQL to pull the records from the FE might look as follows: SELECT * FROM usystblPLSObjFrm in 'C:\Dev\C2DbPLS\C2DbPLS.mda' ORDER BY PLSF_Name; This would obviously pull all fields from the table usystblPLSObjFrm physically located in C:\Dev\C2DbPLS\C2DbPLS.mda. This is a PITA and requires jumping through hoops but that is the only solution that I know of. If any of you know of another solution please let me know since I do have to get adept at hoop jumping to do it my way. Thanks, -- John W. Colby www.ColbyConsulting.com