[AccessD] Create A Table

Rocky Smolin rockysmolin at bchacc.com
Tue Jan 5 19:12:43 CST 2010

Dear List:

I need to create a table in the back end, populate it with a couple of
fields, set the primary index, set one of the fields as the FK to a PK in
another table, and link the table to the front end.  I need to do this from
code behind a form IN the front end.  

I could cobble this together from bits of stuff I have, but, among all the
Access sites that are out there, maybe someone knows of a page with this
very thing on it, or a close approximation.


Or I could go on site to do this which would cost the user an hour of my
travel time but that might be cheaper than doing the code unless there's
something that I can put together quickly. (Also hate to go out driving
around if I can avoid it)


Rocky Smolin

Beach Access Software


www.e-z-mrp.com <http://www.e-z-mrp.com/> 

www.bchacc.com <http://www.bchacc.com/> 



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