jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com
Thu Jan 28 07:57:00 CST 2010
Max, The beauty of the list is that you ask a question and get a whole slew of different methods of doing something, presenting a slew of opportunities to learn new stuff. When you posted your solution I did not attack it as a hangman's noose. To a hangman, every knot will do the job. ;) Your solution does a fine job for the stated task, and apparently (from his comments) your solution is about all the OP is able to assimilate anyway. I just find it sad that a solution other than your own is by definition a hammer. John W. Colby www.ColbyConsulting.com Max Wanadoo wrote: > I would do Gustav, if and when I find I have a need for those > languages. Everything i need at the moment is well handled by Access > using VBA. > Complexities is not an issue - in fact all those additonal properties > and methods can be a real boon if and when needed. > However, obfuscation is rife and needs to be whittled back so that the > tyros do not get blinded by the aficianados. > A simple request should, where possible, be given a simple solution. IMHO. > > sigh... > > max > > > On 28/01/2010, Gustav Brock <Gustav at cactus.dk> wrote: >> Hi Max >> >> Well, come to C# and VB.NET where even the tiniest variable has properties >> and methods. Call that a "hammer" if you like, I love it. >> >> /gustav