jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com
Tue Jul 6 09:50:19 CDT 2010
> I see your problem but still believes that a table will solve this. Here two rows and four columns (and you would need the variables to be printed in both rows, right?): No, not even close. This is just the first row of a two PAGE document with about 50 fields of various lengths, sometimes just a single field on a line, sometimes three on a line. ALL with Spanish translations directly below the English "Label". For next year I will be doing an Access report but the user printed and mailed fifty of these to parents from last years VBS. She wants the merged doc to look like the doc she mailed so that the people working the registration table aren't spending all night searching around trying to find the data. Word SUCKS sometimes. Perhaps even most of the time? John W. Colby www.ColbyConsulting.com Gustav Brock wrote: > Hi John > > I see your problem but still believes that a table will solve this. > Here two rows and four columns (and you would need the variables to be > printed in both rows, right?): > > Child/Youth Name: <<Name1>> Date of Birth: <<DOB1>> > Niño/joven # 1: <<Name1>> Fecha de nacimiento: <<DOB1>> > > Not that I'm a Word expert (actually I stay off Word if at all > possible) but I think I saw this method in one of Susan's articles. > > /gustav > > >>>> jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com 06-07-2010 15:29 >>> > Gustav, > > The problem is the stinkin user (you know users) > > She wants it to look like the document that she prints for anyone who > just fills out the form > manually, so that a person going through these on the first day of VBS > can see all registration > documents looking the same. > > So I have a field in my merge document that looks like: > > Child/Youth Name: <<Name1>> Date of Birth: <<DOB1>> > Niño/joven # 1: Nombre Fecha de nacimiento: > > > The words on the consecutive lines need to line up with each other, > which I can do with tabs (or > spaces). However as the length of <<Name1>> changes, it pushes Date Of > Birth out to the left, but > of course it does not push Fecha de nacimiento around. And in the end > it shouldn't push anything > around. > > This is just ugly! It seems like you should be able to "paint" the > document such that <<Name1>> is > a fixed width on the final form. No tabs after it, it just takes X > inches of space on the line. > > But the merge field has no handles, no obvious way to say "this field > is always X units wide". This > seems like something that everyone would want and would have been fixed > ohhh.... TWENTY years ago? > > > > John W. Colby > www.ColbyConsulting.com