jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com
Wed Jul 7 12:10:08 CDT 2010
Have ADPs been deprecated? I am trying to use an Access FE and a SQL Server BE (Office 2003) and the results are less than stellar, and I don't know why. I want to be able to use SQL Server as the BE but when running SQL Server on my dev laptop, my billing FE talking to SQL Server billing BE the results just ... suck! I get times when it takes 30 seconds for as form to open. I mostly use ODBC to talk driectly to tables but I have created views and linked to those views. Even there though AFAICT Access used ODBC. This just doesn't seem correct, SOMETHING is off and until I can actually use SQL Server to an Access FE myself I can hardly recommend the experience to a client. Nobody (including ME!) wants a 30 second form opening experience. Any ideas of what to try? -- John W. Colby www.ColbyConsulting.com