[AccessD] Weird issues with one user

Bill Patten bill_patten at embarqmail.com
Fri Apr 1 16:03:15 CDT 2011

Hi David,

A couple of suggestions that might help you determine if your Modal idea is 
in fact the problem.

In form frm_002D_Company open event try setting focus to  an enabled 
control, this should bring it to the front.

Since you you have a parameter declared to pass the name of the calling 
form, perhaps you could add code to hide the calling form in the on load or 
on open event
of frm_002D_Company and then un hide it on form close.


From: "David McAfee" <davidmcafee at gmail.com>
Sent: Friday, April 01, 2011 11:37 AM
To: "Access Developers discussion and problem solving" 
<accessd at databaseadvisors.com>
Subject: [AccessD] Weird issues with one user

I've been struggling with this issue for the last couple of days and it is
driving me nuts.

The user didn't have problems until they were given a newer computer.
The computer has Vista as the OS and Access2007.

I have some forms that were originally created in Access 2000, and another
created in (I believe Access 2003).

Now that they have the new computer, when the user clicks on cmdLocationAdd
(or Edit), Access seems to lock up.

What I believe is happening is that the form 002D is opening up in modal
mode, but not on top of the form that is calling it.

I can't recreate it on my machine (also a Vista box with A2007).

I checked our references and they both match:

 Visual Basic for Applications
 Microsoft Access 12.0 Object Library
 OLE Automation
 Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.1 Library
 Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library

Any ideas?

Here are the related subs:

The A2003 calls a form on an OnClick event:

Private Sub cmdLocationAdd_Click()
  Dim strOpenArgs As String
  strOpenArgs = "1|" & Me.lstCompaniesFound.Column(0) & "|||" &
  'Debug.Print strOpenArgs
  DoCmd.OpenForm "frm_002D_Company", , , , , acDialog, strOpenArgs
  'frm_002D_Company's opening Args are: Mode | CompanyID or AddrID | Return
Form | Return Field | CompanyName
End Sub

Private Sub cmdLocationEdit_Click()
  Dim strOpenArgs As String
  'frm_002D_Company's opening Args are: Mode | AddrID | null | null | null |
  strOpenArgs = "2|" & Me.lstCompanyLocations.Column(1) & "|||" &
Me.lstCompaniesFound.Column(1)  '2 = Edit
  DoCmd.OpenForm "frm_002D_Company", , , , , acDialog, strOpenArgs
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
    On Error GoTo Form_Load_Error
    'Dim errNum As Double, errDesc As String, errLine As Integer

If Not IsNull(Me.OpenArgs) Then
    Dim arrX As Variant
    arrX = Split(Me.OpenArgs, "|")
    intMode = arrX(0)
    Select Case intMode
        Case 1 'Add Mode
            Me.txtCompanyID = arrX(1)
            Me.txtCompanyName = Nz(arrX(4), "")
            Me.cmdOK.Caption = "Confirm Addition"
            Me.Caption = "New Address Entry"
            'Hide listbox & cmd button as we don't have an AddressID yet
            Me.lstAddtionalInfo.Visible = False
            Me.cmdAddAddtionalInfo.Visible = False
            Me.cmdEditAddtionalInfo.Visible = False
            Me.cmdDelAddtionalInfo.Visible = False
            ' Show fields below, so we can write to the appropriate fields
when we append this record
            Me.txtPhone.Visible = True
            Me.txtfax.Visible = True
            Me.txtemail.Visible = True

            Me.txtLocationName = Nz(Me.txtLocationName, "Main Office")
        Case 2 'Edit Mode
            Me.txtAddrID = arrX(1)
            Me.txtCompanyName = Nz(arrX(4), "")
            Me.cmdOK.Caption = "Confirm Edit"
            Me.Caption = "Company Address Edit"
            'Show listbox & cmd button as we now have an AddressID
            Me.lstAddtionalInfo.Visible = True
            Me.cmdAddAddtionalInfo.Visible = True
            Me.cmdEditAddtionalInfo.Visible = True
            Me.cmdDelAddtionalInfo.Visible = True
            'No need to show these fields as we have the listbox available
            Me.txtPhone.Visible = False
            Me.txtfax.Visible = False
            Me.txtemail.Visible = False
            FillAddress (Me.txtAddrID)
            'Fill Phone/fax/email info:
            Me.lstAddtionalInfo.RowSource = "EXEC stp_002DFillCompanyInfo "
& Me.txtAddrID
        Case Else
            'Trap code removed
    End Select
    strReturnForm = arrX(2) 'Parameter 3, the form that we will return the
data to
    strReturnField = arrX(3) 'Parameter 4, the field in the above form that
data will return to
     'Do stuff when opened without OpenArgs
End If

End Sub
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