[AccessD] Weird issues with one user

David McAfee davidmcafee at gmail.com
Mon Apr 4 14:58:26 CDT 2011

I added the set focus.
I also noticed that AutoCenter was off, so I turned that on.

I put out an update and the user said that it worked, so I'm not sure which
one fixed it, but it is fixed.



On Fri, Apr 1, 2011 at 2:03 PM, Bill Patten <bill_patten at embarqmail.com>wrote:

> Hi David,
> A couple of suggestions that might help you determine if your Modal idea is
> in fact the problem.
> In form frm_002D_Company open event try setting focus to  an enabled
> control, this should bring it to the front.
> Since you you have a parameter declared to pass the name of the calling
> form, perhaps you could add code to hide the calling form in the on load or
> on open event
> of frm_002D_Company and then un hide it on form close.
> Bill
> --------------------------------------------------
> From: "David McAfee" <davidmcafee at gmail.com>
> Sent: Friday, April 01, 2011 11:37 AM
> To: "Access Developers discussion and problem solving"
> <accessd at databaseadvisors.com>
> Subject: [AccessD] Weird issues with one user
> I've been struggling with this issue for the last couple of days and it is
> driving me nuts.
> The user didn't have problems until they were given a newer computer.
> The computer has Vista as the OS and Access2007.
> I have some forms that were originally created in Access 2000, and another
> created in (I believe Access 2003).
> Now that they have the new computer, when the user clicks on cmdLocationAdd
> (or Edit), Access seems to lock up.
> What I believe is happening is that the form 002D is opening up in modal
> mode, but not on top of the form that is calling it.
> I can't recreate it on my machine (also a Vista box with A2007).
> I checked our references and they both match:
>  Visual Basic for Applications
>  Microsoft Access 12.0 Object Library
>  OLE Automation
>  Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.1 Library
>  Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library
> Any ideas?
> Here are the related subs:
> The A2003 calls a form on an OnClick event:
> Private Sub cmdLocationAdd_Click()
>  Dim strOpenArgs As String
>  strOpenArgs = "1|" & Me.lstCompaniesFound.Column(0) & "|||" &
> Me.lstCompaniesFound.Column(1)
>  'Debug.Print strOpenArgs
>  DoCmd.OpenForm "frm_002D_Company", , , , , acDialog, strOpenArgs
>  'frm_002D_Company's opening Args are: Mode | CompanyID or AddrID | Return
> Form | Return Field | CompanyName
> End Sub
> Private Sub cmdLocationEdit_Click()
>  Dim strOpenArgs As String
>  'frm_002D_Company's opening Args are: Mode | AddrID | null | null | null |
>  strOpenArgs = "2|" & Me.lstCompanyLocations.Column(1) & "|||" &
> Me.lstCompaniesFound.Column(1)  '2 = Edit
>  DoCmd.OpenForm "frm_002D_Company", , , , , acDialog, strOpenArgs
>  Me.lstCompanyLocations.Requery
> End Sub
> Private Sub Form_Load()
>    On Error GoTo Form_Load_Error
>    'Dim errNum As Double, errDesc As String, errLine As Integer
> If Not IsNull(Me.OpenArgs) Then
>    Dim arrX As Variant
>    arrX = Split(Me.OpenArgs, "|")
>    intMode = arrX(0)
>    Select Case intMode
>        Case 1 'Add Mode
>            Me.txtCompanyID = arrX(1)
>            Me.txtCompanyName = Nz(arrX(4), "")
>            Me.cmdOK.Caption = "Confirm Addition"
>            Me.Caption = "New Address Entry"
>            'Hide listbox & cmd button as we don't have an AddressID yet
>            Me.lstAddtionalInfo.Visible = False
>            Me.cmdAddAddtionalInfo.Visible = False
>            Me.cmdEditAddtionalInfo.Visible = False
>            Me.cmdDelAddtionalInfo.Visible = False
>            ' Show fields below, so we can write to the appropriate fields
> when we append this record
>            Me.txtPhone.Visible = True
>            Me.txtfax.Visible = True
>            Me.txtemail.Visible = True
>            Me.txtLocationName = Nz(Me.txtLocationName, "Main Office")
>        Case 2 'Edit Mode
>            Me.txtAddrID = arrX(1)
>            Me.txtCompanyName = Nz(arrX(4), "")
>            Me.cmdOK.Caption = "Confirm Edit"
>            Me.Caption = "Company Address Edit"
>            'Show listbox & cmd button as we now have an AddressID
>            Me.lstAddtionalInfo.Visible = True
>            Me.cmdAddAddtionalInfo.Visible = True
>            Me.cmdEditAddtionalInfo.Visible = True
>            Me.cmdDelAddtionalInfo.Visible = True
>            'No need to show these fields as we have the listbox available
>            Me.txtPhone.Visible = False
>            Me.txtfax.Visible = False
>            Me.txtemail.Visible = False
>            FillAddress (Me.txtAddrID)
>            'Fill Phone/fax/email info:
>            Me.lstAddtionalInfo.RowSource = "EXEC stp_002DFillCompanyInfo "
> & Me.txtAddrID
>        Case Else
>            'Trap code removed
>    End Select
>    strReturnForm = arrX(2) 'Parameter 3, the form that we will return the
> data to
>    strReturnField = arrX(3) 'Parameter 4, the field in the above form that
> data will return to
> Else
>     'Do stuff when opened without OpenArgs
> End If
> End Sub
> --
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> AccessD at databaseadvisors.com
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> AccessD at databaseadvisors.com
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