jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com
Thu Jun 2 10:12:33 CDT 2011
The real question in my mind is why harass this list with endless arguments about this mostly theoretical stuff? Is there a *practical* reason for bringing this up over and over and over... John W. Colby www.ColbyConsulting.com On 6/2/2011 10:37 AM, Drew Wutka wrote: > Actually, Jim, that's not entirely true. I must admit I haven't read > any of his books. But before I posted in the thread, I did do some > reading up on Codd. I had read about him and his theories before, but > just did a little refresher. > > He worked for IBM, and IBM didn't implement his 'theories', in fact, > they practically ignored them until similar concepts came out from > competitors. The point this 'debate' here seems to be missing is that > his ideas are THEORIES, not law. The REAL reason that they are not > implemented is WHY should they be? What advantage occurs with a system > that perfectly implements his laws? Without a commercial reason to > implement them. Have at it. > > Drew