Drew Wutka
DWUTKA at Marlow.com
Fri Mar 18 14:55:39 CDT 2011
"I am happy you like it but I have never actually uttered the word tuple in my life, it makes no difference to me. I get along just fine with tables, rows and fields. I understand what goes in each of those things. It is second nature (and trivial) to normalize to 3rd normal. I have read many though not all of the rest of the 16 normal forms and understood (at the time I read it) *some* of them. Most seemed oh so esoteric." -- JWC LOL. I'm sure I told this story before, but about a decade ago, when I started working for my current employer, I started going back to college. Took an MIS class (Managing Information Services). First day of the class, I was sitting in the back, here I am, 28 years old, with a bunch of people that probably couldn't order a beer. The teacher starts going into the internet, and TCP/IP. Just going over basic stuff. He then goes over a very basic description of an IP address, and asks if anyone knew why each quad of an IP address had values from only 0 to 255. I looked around, no one was answering, so I raised my hand. The professor called on me, and I said 'Because that's 8 bits, or a byte'. Wow, the class looked at me like a herd of deer mesmerized by headlights! LOL. I never studied for any of the tests, and I don't remember if there was homework or not (I would have done the homework if there was some). I always got an A on the tests. This stuff was SOOO far below my level of understanding it wasn't funny, but it was a required course that I couldn't test out of. On one of the tests the question was: What would a relational database developer refer to as a row of data? So here I am, taking this test, and employeed full time as a programmer/developer (with a relational database), and so I answered 'record' (I think it might have been row). Tuple was in the list of answers, but honestly, I hadn't read that chapter in the book. So when I got my test back, it was the only question I had wrong, so I went and asked the instructor. His response was basically 'the book answer is tuple'. I had to laugh at that, because the book also described Widnows 95 and Windows 98 as 'different Operating Systems', which the teacher pointed out in class is 'technically' incorrect. Drew The information contained in this transmission is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain II-VI Proprietary and/or II-VI Business Sensitive material. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender immediately and destroy the material in its entirety, whether electronic or hard copy. You are notified that any review, retransmission, copying, disclosure, dissemination, or other use of, or taking of any action in reliance upon this information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited.