jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com
Fri Nov 25 09:22:15 CST 2011
> Someone said MARIADB is the same source code as MYSQL ? MariaDB is the same source code base, taken from MySQL. Take what I say with a heaping handful of salt but my understanding is that the license for an open source project states something like - You may take this source base. If you modify any of this base code you must offer the changes back to the community. You may however add entirely new code for functionality that does not exist in the source base, and if you do you do not have to offer that back to the community. I am not intimately familiar with the history (Perhaps Arthur can step up here) but it seems that Sun was the "originator of" the source base. When they made any modifications of any kind including major new enhancements, they were adding those mods to the source base and they were available under the open source license. Oracle bought Sun. Oracle decided to hold onto major new enhancements and not offer them back to the community. Thus Oracle is building MySQL editions for sale which use the code base plus their enhancements. MariaDB took the code base and "forked it" and started adding major new enhancements which are kept in the open source community. From what I can tell, because it is in the public domain, Oracle can if they wish take the enhancements that MariaDB makes and add those into the base that they make available for free, and because that is in their "for sale" version they can use those enhancements in their "for sale" versions. But we will never see their "for sale" enhancements without paying their licensing fees. John W. Colby Colby Consulting Reality is what refuses to go away when you do not believe in it On 11/25/2011 8:44 AM, Mark Simms wrote: > Someone said MARIADB is the same source code as MYSQL ? > > > I find it hard to believe that greedy Larry Ellison made that kind of deal > with the originators of MYSQL. > It's not like him to permit competition !! Larry loves to not just "level > the playing field", but to destroy it. > > >