jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com
Sat Oct 1 07:45:50 CDT 2011
As I recover from the clean install I am trying to get my billing database working again. For some reason the database container is read only. In file / properties it is read only and if I try to make any change in Access it gives me a "cannot save changes". I go into Explorer and sure enough it is readonly for the "all users". So I change it and save the changes. Go out and back in and the file is now "full control". I can now save a change to a module, and it does in fact seem to save. However one of the local tables inside of the fe had a date() default value. From the debug window date() works just fine. However if i try to add a record Jet does not understand the date() in the default property. Not only that, but after trying to save the record (and failing because jet does not understand date()) the access database is back to read only. And of course I have real work to do and really don't want to play these games. I am going to build a new fe and pull everything in and see what happens. Of course Explorer thingk I want an Access 10 container when I right click / create new database. Sigh. jwcolby Colby Consulting