[AccessD] Passing ParamArrays down the line

jwcolby jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com
Tue Sep 6 16:59:16 CDT 2011

I actually just copied the param array into an array() ov var and passed that.  It just never 
occurred to me to try that.

John W. Colby

On 9/6/2011 5:52 PM, Kenneth Ismert wrote:
> John:
> It's true: you can't pass a ParamArray to a routine expecting a Variant() or
> Variant parameter. You have to convert to a Variant array first.
> You can pass ParamArrays to other routines accepting a ParamArray. But, the
> initial ParamArray gets nested in element(0) in the ParamArray of the called
> routine, making the values hard to extract.
> This routine takes any ParamArray with any level of nesting, and returns the
> actual values as a plain variant array:
> ' UnpackParamArray
> '
> ' Unpacks the given ParamArray, and returns it as a Variant array
> ' * Handles nested ParamArray calls
> ' * Handles an array passed to a ParamArray
> '
> ' Allows several parameter passing styles:
> ' 1. ParamArray from another routine    -- lowest-level nested array
> ' 2. Variant Array as only parameter    -- "  "
> ' 3. List of values                        -- returns array containing
> values given
> '                                          (works, but use Array() instead)
> ' ParamArray Nesting
> ' * Every time you pass a ParamArray to another routine, it gets nested as
> '   element 0 in the new ParamArray:
> '
> '   Nest Level  Array Structure
> '
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> '   1           Array(N)
> '   2           Array(0) ->  Array(N)
> '   3           Array(0) ->  Array(0) ->  Array(N)
> '   4           Array(0) ->  Array(0) ->  Array(0) ->  Array(N)
> '
> ' * This function unwraps the nested Array(0) pointers until the base array
> is found.
> ' * When you pass a standard array to a ParamArray, you start at nest level
> 2.
> '
> ' Notes:
> ' * ParamArrays can only be passed to other Routines as ParamArrays
> ' * Passing ParamArray() to Variant() or Variant will result in an
> '   'Invalid Use Of ParamArray' compile error.
> ' * If an object with a default property is passed, the property is used
> instead of the object
> '
> Public Function UnpackParamArray(ParamArray vParameters() As Variant) As
> Variant()
>      Dim vOut() As Variant
>      Dim vTemp() As Variant
>      Dim lUBound As Long
>      On Error GoTo HandleErr
>      ' empty array: LBound=0; UBound=-1
>      UnpackParamArray = VBA.Array()
>      vOut() = vParameters()
>      lUBound = UBound(vOut)
>      ' If UBound>  0, some regular array has been found, so skip this loop
>      Do While (lUBound = 0)
>          If IsArray(vOut(0)) Then
>              ' Swap carefully to avoid fatal error
>              vTemp() = vOut(0)
>              Erase vOut()
>              vOut() = vTemp()
>              Erase vTemp()
>              ' test the bounds of the new array
>              lUBound = UBound(vOut)
>          Else
>              ' scalar or object value: return array holding it
>              lUBound = 1
>          End If
>      Loop
>      If lUBound>= 0 Then
>          ' Return
>          UnpackParamArray = vOut()
>      End If
>      Exit Function
> HandleErr:
>      Err.Raise Err.Number, "UnpackParamArray"&  VbCrLf&  Err.Source,
> Err.Description
> End Function
> jwcolby:
>> I use param arrays to allow me to pass in things like group ids that a user
>> might belong to.  The following fails:
>> Function mPLSUserInGroup(ParamArray Grps() As Variant) As Boolean
>>     mPLSUserInGroup = cPLS.cCurrUser.pUserInGrp(**Grps)
>> End Function
>> However the following works:
>> Function mPLSUserInGroup(ParamArray Grps() As Variant) As Boolean
>> Dim lGrps() As Variant
>>     lGrps = Grps
>>     mPLSUserInGroup = cPLS.cCurrUser.pUserInGrp(**lGrps)
>> End Function
>> Thus in order to push a paramarray into another function we just need to
>> dim an array, set it equal to the paramarray and then push that array on
>> down.
>> Pretty strange that a ParamArray cannot be directly passed along.

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