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Stuart McLachlan stuart at lexacorp.com.pg
Mon Apr 16 19:13:04 CDT 2012

In this case, I don't think that "flawed" is the right word.  "Simplistic" would be better.

Newton's approach is a simplified model of reality,  which matches  observations  within 
certain constraints.   It is only beyond those constraints that newtonian laws break down.

Einsteins approach is a more complex model, which widens those constraints.  Current 
string/multiverse/brane approaches are more complex again and further widen those 

Each appears to be getting closer to reality, but whether we will ever get there is another 


On 16 Apr 2012 at 23:59, Darryl Collins wrote:

> *shrugs*....  I have to agree with you.  Actually we already know this
> from Physics.  Newton's approach to time, space and gravity 'seems'
> right to us as it is so much more intuitive, and indeed even works -
> we still use it today, but Einstein showed it is flawed and reality is
> nothing like we 'believe' it to be.  

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