[AccessD] Unusual Sub Totals Needed on Access 2007 Report

Susan Harkins ssharkins at gmail.com
Wed Mar 21 08:14:17 CDT 2012

If he's got a subtotal for groups, why not just sum the subtotals for groups 
2 and 3? It's been a while since I've worked with an Access report, so maybe 
I'm suggesting something that isn't possible, but I don't think so.

Susan H.

I'm not sure where you want this subtotal, or how the Groups are defined.
 If it is at the end of the report and the Groups are numbers ,then the
following formula for the total field should work:

=Sum(IIf([group]=1 Or [group]=2,[Amount],0))

basically it adds the amount value to the total if the group is 1 or 2,
otherwise it adds zero

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