[AccessD] DB Suddenly becomes Read Only

Guss Ginsburg guss at beechnutconsulting.com
Tue Feb 5 09:28:50 CST 2013

This is the second time this has happened to my back end db.  The first time
was about 6 months ago, and I resolved it by copying the tables into another
new db, and relinked the tables in the FE to the new BE.  Anyone know what
may have caused this?  The files are all in 2002-2003 format, and are
running in Access 2010 environment.  The last time this happened, they were
running in a 2007 environment.


The system properties and security settings seem to be the same as other
DB's which work fine.  I cannot rename the R/O file, or delete it.  The BE
is shared among a small handful of users (never more than 3 or 4).


Sincerely yours,


Guss Ginsburg


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