Kenneth Ismert
kismert at
Thu Feb 21 10:53:28 CST 2013
Change is inevitable. Right now, entropy is winning, and AccessD is slowly fading into background noise. This is a group using antique technology to serve antique people. Seriously, is anyone here under 40? I bet very few. Anyone under 30? I'd be shocked if we had more than a token number. Nothing I have read in this current conversation indicates that anything has changed for the positive. As far as I can tell: * We are still in the long tail of decline, both in overall postings and on-topic postings. * The number of active participants is slowly declining Of course, I am ready to be proven wrong. The people running AccessD can release numbers showing whether we are trending up or down. That hasn't happened yet, and probably for good reason. The facts are depressing. -Ken