[AccessD] AccessD never changes

Mark Simms marksimms at verizon.net
Sun Feb 24 14:34:06 CST 2013

Re: " The big factor is of course is our willingess to put in unlimited time
and effort. ;-)"

See, the current market for IT contractors makes the above a "killer".
Doctors, Lawyers, Dentists, CPA's must all keep up their credentials....
But then again, they're making $150-$250 per hour.
That makes it a no brainer.
For us for poor suckers under $100/hr, this becomes a questionable activity
In fact in my area, the agencies are saying anyone making $60/hr with strong
SQL and analytical skills is doing "good".
To me, that's pathetic.
No benefits, no healthcare, no 401k, no nothing.

> Hi Tony:
> In one word the "web".
> There are so many opportunities and disciplines to select and to
> master.
> Web page UI, JavaScript coding, graphics, servers and web servers,
> dozens of
> webserver languages, web databases from SQL to Map Reduce, to the
> Clouds...
> and then there are content providers, columnists, sales and social
> sites of
> every ilk.

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