[AccessD] AccessD never changes

Jim Lawrence accessd at shaw.ca
Mon Feb 25 11:35:03 CST 2013

Getting your Credentials are a good start but if you do not have the
experience and can point to a proven body of work, that can be
demonstrated...those certificates are worthless.

No one starts with a $150 to $200 hourly wage, that takes a proven solid
body of work. 

Another factoid: if you are in the network and server business 85 percent of
you clients will be looking Linux/UNIX and web abilities. ...and Oracle and
skills in a host of OSS and NoSQL databases. Move away from the desktop and
you are moving away from Microsoft.

Another truism: If you are in business and you have no union, association or
guild, you are unlikely to have benefits like healthcare, 401k, ever. OTOH,
if you are making a steady $60 per hour, considering that you would be
working about 2000 to 2500 hours per year and taking home 6 figures. A
person in that situation would be a fool not to insure themselves and their
family as they have the money to do so.

Note: why do you think people in business, who do not have external support
belong to associations like the Elks, Lions, Masons, Chamber of Commerce and
so on? Answer, for the cheap insurance rates on health, dental and other
medical health, life insurance, retirement savings plans and support along
with a tight hold on local contracts of all kinds. If you are a private
contractor that is the way you go. 

But I am sure that comes as no surprise to you.

-----Original Message-----
From: accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com
[mailto:accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com] On Behalf Of Mark Simms
Sent: Sunday, February 24, 2013 12:34 PM
To: 'Access Developers discussion and problem solving'
Subject: Re: [AccessD] AccessD never changes

Re: " The big factor is of course is our willingess to put in unlimited time
and effort. ;-)"

See, the current market for IT contractors makes the above a "killer".
Doctors, Lawyers, Dentists, CPA's must all keep up their credentials....
But then again, they're making $150-$250 per hour.
That makes it a no brainer.
For us for poor suckers under $100/hr, this becomes a questionable activity
In fact in my area, the agencies are saying anyone making $60/hr with strong
SQL and analytical skills is doing "good".
To me, that's pathetic.
No benefits, no healthcare, no 401k, no nothing.

> Hi Tony:
> In one word the "web".
> There are so many opportunities and disciplines to select and to
> master.
> Web page UI, JavaScript coding, graphics, servers and web servers,
> dozens of
> webserver languages, web databases from SQL to Map Reduce, to the
> Clouds...
> and then there are content providers, columnists, sales and social
> sites of
> every ilk.

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