Bill Benson
bensonforums at
Fri Dec 26 19:18:58 CST 2014
I have written this routine (ReseedAll calls Reseed on each table that is not a system table, one by one); The purpose is to resequence every autonumber field while maintaining data integrity for all the other tables. I believe it is reasonably robust. Where it is *not* robust is that I just let it fail with suspended error handling, on the last part where I re-build indexes, knowing that I have taken care of all unique keys *with exception* of those Access-generated ones that occur in regards to relations. The reason for that is that I am just too lazy and inexperienced to figure out how to iterate through those. However, those are not the ones preventing duplicates -- and since I never delete them from the database, I don't produce no sweat about getting an error when "recreating" them. I have tested this on my databases. If you are interested in using this routine, I suggest that you make a backup of your own database before trying it out. Note that it only works (I think) on Fields / Foreign Keys that are long integer. I don't think I even check for multi-key primary keys, so I don't know what it will do to your database if you have multi-column PKs, non-numeric PKs and FKs, and multi-column FKs. I wouldn't even try it out if your database is in that condition. (1) This is probably re-inventing the wheel, someone out there has a better routine I am more than sure, such as Allen Browne and Roger Carlson. When I get more energy I will compare this to other routines someone recommends I check. (2) Most here will inevitably begin to flame me saying that there is no need to ever do this anyway, that the purpose of a PK is to be unique, and it shouldn't matter if values are sequenced or not. Well, since I already know that --- and this was just an exercised for the anal retentive and obsessive compulsive... just let me alone please. Well, actually, say what you want, just be sure to also let us know we can save 15% or more on car insurance by switching to GEICO, and other things that everybody knows at the same time - may as well cover all the bases! (3) at the risk of being redundant, this is a "draft" version. If you want to kick it around and see if it handles complex database, I would be glad for advice about where it fails. Sorry there are few comments. There's a metaphor for this kind of operation ... Towers of Hammurabi comes to mind, but that is not really the one. The routine essentially checks the max PK value, kills indexes, copies all records as duplicates deletes switches all the FK values in every other table that refers to the subject table's PK (single-column) to the higher number range, one-for-one, with Update queries. Seeds in the largest autonumber value possible, 2147483647; seeds in 0 to get rid of negatives; deletes records in the erstwhile lower PK range, duplicates all records again so that PK sequence will again start with 1; does the swap of FK values again in all tables that have the FKs to this table's PK, to the lower range values; then deletes off the higher number range records, before putting the indexes back on. Final note: if the routine pauses with errors in the midst and you let VarIndexes go out of state after indexes have been removed, you will lose them. So one thing I will make more robust as a first priority is to store all the index parameters in a table, so that I can more easily recover them if there is a problem at runtime. Option Compare Database Option Explicit Function ConcatenatePhone(Companyid As Long) As String Dim R As DAO.Recordset Dim D As DAO.Database Set D = CurrentDb Dim SQL As String Dim strResult As String ' P.Phone, ' T.PhoneType ' from TblCompany As C inner Join ' (TblCompanyPhone as P ' inner join TblPhoneType as T on T.ID = P.FKPhoneTypeID) on C.ID = P.FKCompanyID WHERE P.ID = 3 SQL = "" SQL = SQL & " Select P.Phone, T.PhoneType " SQL = SQL & " from TblCompany as C " SQL = SQL & " inner Join (TblCompanyPhone as P " SQL = SQL & " inner join TblPhoneType as T " SQL = SQL & " on T.ID = P.FKPhoneTypeID)" SQL = SQL & " on C.ID = P.FKCompanyID" SQL = SQL & " WHERE C.ID = " & Companyid Set R = D.OpenRecordset(SQL) While Not R.EOF strResult = strResult & "|" & R!PhoneType & ": " & R!Phone R.MoveNext Wend If strResult <> "" Then strResult = Mid(strResult, 2) End If ConcatenatePhone = strResult End Function '' ''Function MyWholesaler() As Long ''MyWholesaler = CLng(Nz(Screen.ActiveForm.Controls("txtWholesaler"), 0)) '' ''End Function ''Function MyRetailer() As Long ''MyRetailer = CLng(Nz(Screen.ActiveForm.Controls("txtRetailer"), 0)) '' ''End Function '' ''Function MyMarketer() As Long ''MyMarketer = CLng(Nz(Screen.ActiveForm.Controls("txtMarketer"), 0)) '' ''End Function '' '' '' Sub findcontrol() Dim Frm As Form Dim ctrl As Control Dim str As String Set Frm = Screen.ActiveForm For Each ctrl In Frm.Controls str = "" On Error Resume Next str = ctrl.RowSource If str <> "" Then Debug.Print ctrl.Name & ": " & str End If Next End Sub Sub PositionCombo(Frm As Form, Ctr As String, iCol As Long, varValue As Variant) Dim ctrl As Control Dim i As Long Set ctrl = Frm.Controls(Ctr) ctrl.Requery For i = 0 To ctrl.ListCount - 1 If ctrl.Column(iCol, i) = CStr(varValue) Then ctrl.Value = i Exit For End If Next End Sub Sub ReseedAll() Dim i As Long Dim T As DAO.TableDef Dim D As DAO.Database Set D = CurrentDb Dim VarTables() As String ReDim VarTables(1 To D.TableDefs.Count) As String For Each T In D.TableDefs If UCase(Left(T.Name, 4)) <> "MSYS" And Left(T.Name, 1) <> "~" Then i = i + 1 VarTables(i) = T.Name End If Next For i = 1 To UBound(VarTables) If VarTables(i) <> "" Then Debug.Print VarTables(i) 'Stop Reseed VarTables(i) End If Next End Sub Sub Reseed(strTable As String) Dim Qdf As DAO.QueryDef Dim Tdf As DAO.TableDef Dim TdfDependent As DAO.TableDef Dim D As DAO.Database Dim iCol As Long Dim Frm As Form Dim i As Long Dim iRelFields As Long Dim R1 As DAO.Recordset Dim R2 As DAO.Recordset Dim R As DAO.Recordset Dim FLD As DAO.Field Dim strField As String Dim strIndexFields As String Dim strFields As String Dim SQL As String Dim iMax As Double Dim Indx As Index Dim iUnique As Long Dim iRequired As Long Set D = CurrentDb Dim iUB As Long Dim VarIndexes() Dim VarFieldsTemp Dim VarFields() As String Dim Rel As Relation Dim fldPK As DAO.Field Dim strTempFields As String If strTable = "Temp" Then Exit Sub On Error Resume Next For Each Frm In Forms DoCmd.Close acForm, Frm.Name, acSaveYes Next For Each Qdf In D.QueryDefs DoCmd.Close acQuery, Qdf.Name, acSaveYes Next For Each Tdf In D.TableDefs DoCmd.Close acTable, Tdf.Name Next Set Tdf = D.TableDefs(strTable) For Each FLD In Tdf.Fields If FLD.Attributes And dbAutoIncrField Then strField = FLD.Name Else strFields = strFields & ",[" & FLD.Name & "]" End If Next Err.Clear DoCmd.DeleteObject acTable, "Temp" SQL = "Create Table [Temp] ([" & strField & "] Long)" Err.Clear D.Execute SQL, dbFailOnError D.TableDefs.Refresh If Err.Number <> 0 Then Stop strFields = Mid(strFields, 2) iMax = DMax("[" & strField & "]", strTable) 'Remove indexes else we might not be able to put in duplicate items ReDim VarIndexes(1 To 4, 0 To 0) For Each Indx In Tdf.Indexes If Indx.Name <> "PrimaryKey" Then strIndexFields = "" For Each FLD In Indx.Fields strIndexFields = strIndexFields & ",[" & FLD.Name & "]" Next strIndexFields = Mid(strIndexFields, 2) iUnique = Indx.Unique iRequired = Indx.Required iUB = UBound(VarIndexes, 2) + 1 If iUB = 1 Then ReDim VarIndexes(1 To 4, 1 To iUB) Else ReDim Preserve VarIndexes(1 To 4, 1 To iUB) End If VarIndexes(1, iUB) = Indx.Name VarIndexes(2, iUB) = strIndexFields VarIndexes(3, iUB) = iUnique VarIndexes(4, iUB) = iRequired End If Next For i = UBound(VarIndexes, 2) To 1 Step -1 Tdf.Indexes.Delete VarIndexes(1, i) Next Tdf.Indexes.Refresh 'insert Duplicates Err.Clear SQL = "Insert Into [" & strTable & "] (" & strFields & ") Select " & strFields & " from [" & strTable & "] order by [" & strField & "] Asc" D.Execute SQL, dbFailOnError If Err.Number <> 0 Then Stop 'Loop each dupe record, change fks everywhere to these replacement values Set R1 = D.OpenRecordset("Select * from [" & strTable & "] WHERE [" & strField & "] > " & iMax & " ORDER BY [" & strField & "] ASC") R1.MoveFirst Set R2 = D.OpenRecordset("Select * from [" & strTable & "] WHERE [" & strField & "] <= " & iMax & " ORDER BY [" & strField & "] ASC") R2.MoveFirst While Not R1.EOF On Error GoTo 0 For Each Rel In D.Relations If Rel.Table = Tdf.Name Then For iRelFields = 0 To Rel.Fields.Count - 1 For Each fldPK In Tdf.Indexes("PrimaryKey").Fields If Rel.Fields(iRelFields).Name = fldPK.Name Then SQL = "Update [" & Rel.ForeignTable & "] Set [" & Rel.Fields(iRelFields).ForeignName & "] = " & R1.Fields(strField) & " WHERE [" & Rel.Fields(iRelFields).ForeignName & "] = " & R2.Fields(strField) Err.Clear D.Execute SQL, dbFailOnError If Err.Number <> 0 Then Stop End If Next Next End If Next R1.MoveNext R2.MoveNext Wend 'Delete obsolete records Err.Clear D.Execute "Delete From [" & strTable & "] Where [" & strField & "] <=" & iMax, dbFailOnError If Err.Number <> 0 Then Stop ReDim VarFieldsTemp(1 To 2, 0 To 0) For Each Rel In D.Relations If Rel.ForeignTable = strTable Then SQL = "ALTER TABLE Temp ADD COLUMN [" & Rel.Fields(0).ForeignName & "] Long" Err.Clear D.Execute SQL, dbFailOnError If Err.Number <> 0 Then Stop iUB = UBound(VarFieldsTemp, 2) + 1 If iUB = 1 Then ReDim VarFieldsTemp(1 To 2, 1 To iUB) Else ReDim Preserve VarFieldsTemp(1 To 2, 1 To iUB) End If VarFieldsTemp(1, iUB) = Rel.Fields(0).ForeignName VarFieldsTemp(2, iUB) = DMin("[" & Rel.Fields(0).Name & "]", Rel.Table) End If Next 'insert the highest possible recordid Err.Clear D.Execute "Insert into [Temp] ([" & strField & "]) Values (" & 2147483647 & ")", dbFailOnError If Err.Number <> 0 Then Stop strTempFields = "[" & strField & "]" 'Put other required values in the table due to FKs in strTable For i = 1 To UBound(VarFieldsTemp, 2) strTempFields = strTempFields & ",[" & VarFieldsTemp(1, i) & "]" SQL = "Update [Temp] Set [" & VarFieldsTemp(1, i) & "] = " & VarFieldsTemp(2, i) Err.Clear D.Execute SQL, dbFailOnError If Err.Number <> 0 Then Stop Next 'Append this to our main table Err.Clear D.Execute "Insert Into [" & strTable & "] (" & strTempFields & ") Select " & strTempFields & " From [Temp]", dbFailOnError If Err.Number <> 0 Then Stop 'It was used so now we can remove it so we dont duplicate it Err.Clear SQL = "Update [Temp] Set [" & strField & "] = 0" D.Execute SQL, dbFailOnError If Err.Number <> 0 Then Stop Err.Clear D.Execute "Insert Into [" & strTable & "] (" & strTempFields & ") Select " & strTempFields & " From [Temp]", dbFailOnError If Err.Number <> 0 Then Stop Err.Clear D.Execute "Delete from [" & strTable & "] Where [" & strField & "] = " & 2147483647, dbFailOnError If Err.Number <> 0 Then Stop Err.Clear D.Execute "Delete from [" & strTable & "] Where [" & strField & "] = " & 0, dbFailOnError If Err.Number <> 0 Then Stop 'From here on out all records should be 1, 2, ... 'Add the records in one more time so that they will sequence starting at 1 Err.Clear D.Execute "Insert Into [" & strTable & "] (" & strFields & ") Select " & strFields & " from [" & strTable & "] order by [" & strField & "] Asc", dbFailOnError If Err.Number <> 0 Then Stop 'Rerun the swap Set R1 = D.OpenRecordset("Select * from [" & strTable & "] WHERE [" & strField & "] > " & iMax & " ORDER BY [" & strField & "] ASC") R1.MoveFirst Set R2 = D.OpenRecordset("Select * from [" & strTable & "] WHERE [" & strField & "] <= " & iMax & " ORDER BY [" & strField & "] ASC") R2.MoveFirst While Not R1.EOF On Error GoTo 0 For Each Rel In D.Relations Debug.Print Rel.Name If Rel.Table = Tdf.Name Then For iRelFields = 0 To Rel.Fields.Count - 1 For Each fldPK In Tdf.Indexes("PrimaryKey").Fields If Rel.Fields(iRelFields).Name = fldPK.Name Then SQL = "Update [" & Rel.ForeignTable & "] Set [" & Rel.Fields(iRelFields).ForeignName & "] = " & R2.Fields(strField) & " WHERE [" & Rel.Fields(iRelFields).ForeignName & "] = " & R1.Fields(strField) Err.Clear D.Execute SQL, dbFailOnError If Err.Number <> 0 Then Stop End If Next Next End If Next R1.MoveNext R2.MoveNext Wend 'Delete duplicates, those above iDesiredCount Err.Clear D.Execute "Delete from [" & strTable & "] Where [" & strField & "] > " & iMax, dbFailOnError If Err.Number <> 0 Then Stop 'Put back indexes after duplicates removed Set Tdf = Nothing Set R1 = Nothing Set R2 = Nothing For i = 1 To UBound(VarIndexes, 2) ' Set Indx = Tdf.CreateIndex(VarIndexes(1, i)) ' VarFields = Split(VarIndexes(2, i), ",") SQL = "CREATE " & IIf(CBool(VarIndexes(3, i)), " UNIQUE ", "") & " Index " & VarIndexes(1, i) & " on [" & strTable & "] (" & VarIndexes(2, i) & ")" & IIf(CBool(VarIndexes(4, i)), " WITH DISALLOW NULL;", ";") On Error Resume Next D.Execute SQL, dbFailOnError 'If Err.Number <> 0 Then Stop Next 'D.Execute "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX CustID " _ & "ON Customers (CustomerID) " _ & "WITH DISALLOW NULL;" Set FLD = Nothing Set Tdf = Nothing End Sub