Bill Benson
bensonforums at
Sat Dec 27 14:23:16 CST 2014
I have written this routine ReseedAll. The purpose is to resequence every autonumber field in the table. If someone wants to kick its tires and see if it handles their complex database, great - but I suggest making a backup (perhaps more than one!). Order of steps: 1) checks the max PK value, make sure there is room to add all records again without hitting Const HIGHEST_POSSIBLE_VALUE = 2147483647 2) Preserve indexes in a table, then delete them 3) Duplicate records so that there are equivalents in a higher range 4) Swap all values appearing in related tables that reference this table's PK in their foreign key I am not sure if I handle multi-column FK references appropriately. 5) Delete the predecessor records from the table 6) Seeds in HIGHEST_POSSIBLE_VALUE = 2147483647 to the table; seed in 0 to the table; 7) duplicates all records again, reusing the range 1, 2, 3 ... for PK 8) Swap all values appearing in related tables that reference this table's PK in their foreign key I am not sure if I handle multi-column FK references appropriately. 9) Remove the no longer needed higher PK range of duplicate records 10) Replace indexes Note1: The routine only works on Fields / Foreign Keys that are long integer, and are autoincrementing (it tests). Note2: No doubt others have created even more robust routines, this was my 1st attempt. Note3: I will get flamed as creating something that serves no legitimate purpose in the database. Oh well, everyone is entitled to their own set of principles. Note4: If the routine pauses with errors in the midst - that is for debugging purposes; don't count on your database maintaining state... I would fix the code and start again from backup. Note5: There will be bypassed errors when indexes are stored and re-created for those items which are bound up in relationships. Code: Sub Reseed(strTable As String) Dim MyDB As DAO.Database, Tdf As DAO.TableDef, Qdf As DAO.QueryDef, Frm As Form, Rel As Relation, Indx As Index Dim Rst As DAO.Recordset, rstHigherRange As DAO.Recordset, rstLowerRange As DAO.Recordset, rstIndexes As DAO.Recordset Dim iCol As Long Dim i As Long, iTestNext As Long, iCount1 As Long, iCount2 As Long Dim iRelFields As Long Dim Fld As DAO.Field Dim strPrimaryKeyField As String Dim strIndexFields As String Dim strFields As String Dim strSQL As String Dim iUB As Long Dim VarFieldsTemp Dim VarFields() As String Dim fldPK As DAO.Field Dim strTempFields As String Dim bPKFound As Boolean Const HIGHEST_POSSIBLE_VALUE = 2147483647 Set MyDB = CurrentDb 'GoTo PutOnIndexes If strTable = "Temp" Then Exit Sub On Error Resume Next For Each Frm In Forms DoCmd.Close acForm, Frm.Name, acSaveYes Next For Each Qdf In MyDB.QueryDefs DoCmd.Close acQuery, Qdf.Name, acSaveYes Next For Each Tdf In MyDB.TableDefs DoCmd.Close acTable, Tdf.Name Next Set Tdf = MyDB.TableDefs(strTable) 'Check PK has onlt one field For Each Indx In Tdf.Indexes If Indx.Name = "PrimaryKey" Then If Indx.Fields.Count > 1 Then Debug.Print Tdf.Name & " Primary Key has " & Indx.Fields.Count & " fields - cannot reseed " & strTable Exit Sub ElseIf Tdf.Fields(Indx.Fields(0).Name).Type <> dbLong Then Debug.Print Tdf.Name & " Primary Key field is not Type Long - cannot reseed " & strTable Exit Sub ElseIf Tdf.Fields(Indx.Fields(0).Name).Attributes And dbAutoIncrField Then strPrimaryKeyField = Indx.Fields(0).Name bPKFound = True Else Debug.Print Tdf.Name & " Primary Key field is not AutoNum - cannot reseed " & strTable Exit Sub End If Exit For End If Next If Not bPKFound Then Debug.Print "No primary key was found - cannot reseed " & strTable Exit Sub End If 'Test AddNew and make sure that there is enough room, before highese_record_number, to add duplicates without resetting autonum field to the negative range Set Rst = MyDB.OpenRecordset("Select * from [" & strTable & "]") Rst.MoveLast i = Rst.RecordCount Rst.AddNew iTestNext = Rst.Fields(strPrimaryKeyField).Value Rst.Cancel If i + iTestNext > HIGHEST_POSSIBLE_VALUE - 1 Then Debug.Print "Highest record number already used is too high to perform this operation on " & strTable Exit Sub End If Set Rst = Nothing 'Get all the other fields so that append query will add all fields for duplicate entry For Each Fld In Tdf.Fields If Fld.Name <> strPrimaryKeyField Then strFields = strFields & ",[" & Fld.Name & "]" End If Next strFields = Mid(strFields, 2) Err.Clear DoCmd.DeleteObject acTable, "Temp" strSQL = "Create Table [Temp] ([" & strPrimaryKeyField & "] Long)" Err.Clear MyDB.Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError MyDB.TableDefs.Refresh If Err.Number <> 0 Then Stop 'Remove indexes else we might not be able to put in duplicate items Set rstIndexes = Nothing DoCmd.DeleteObject acTable, "Temp_RetainIndexes" strSQL = "Create Table [Temp_RetainIndexes] (" strSQL = strSQL & "[TheName] TEXT(255)" strSQL = strSQL & ",[TheFields] TEXT(255)" strSQL = strSQL & ",IsUnique YESNO" strSQL = strSQL & ",IsRequired YESNO" strSQL = strSQL & ")" Err.Clear MyDB.Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError If Err.Number <> 0 Then Stop MyDB.TableDefs.Refresh For Each Indx In Tdf.Indexes If Indx.Name <> "PrimaryKey" Then strIndexFields = "" For Each Fld In Indx.Fields strIndexFields = strIndexFields & ",[" & Fld.Name & "]" Next strIndexFields = Mid(strIndexFields, 2) strSQL = "Insert Into " strSQL = strSQL & "Temp_RetainIndexes" strSQL = strSQL & " (TheName," strSQL = strSQL & "TheFields," strSQL = strSQL & "IsUnique," strSQL = strSQL & "IsRequired)" strSQL = strSQL & " Values (" strSQL = strSQL & "'" & Indx.Name & "'" strSQL = strSQL & ", '" & strIndexFields & "'" strSQL = strSQL & ", " & Indx.Unique strSQL = strSQL & ", " & Indx.Required strSQL = strSQL & ")" Err.Clear MyDB.Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError If Err.Number <> 0 Then Stop End If Next 'Now remove all stored indexes from the table Set rstIndexes = MyDB.OpenRecordset("Select * from [Temp_RetainIndexes]") If Not rstIndexes.EOF Then rstIndexes.MoveFirst Do Err.Clear Tdf.Indexes.Delete rstIndexes!TheName If Err.Number <> 0 Then Debug.Print Err.Description, rstIndexes!TheName End If rstIndexes.MoveNext Loop Until rstIndexes.EOF End If Tdf.Indexes.Refresh Set rstIndexes = Nothing 'Duplicate every row in the table Err.Clear strSQL = "Insert Into [" & strTable & "] (" strSQL = strSQL & strFields & ")" strSQL = strSQL & " Select " strSQL = strSQL & strFields strSQL = strSQL & " FROM [" & strTable & "]" strSQL = strSQL & " ORDER BY [" & strPrimaryKeyField & "] Asc" MyDB.Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError If Err.Number <> 0 Then Stop 'Loop each dupe record, change fks everywhere to these replacement values strSQL = "Select * " strSQL = strSQL & " FROM [" & strTable & "] " strSQL = strSQL & " WHERE [" & strPrimaryKeyField & "] > " & iTestNext strSQL = strSQL & " ORDER BY [" & strPrimaryKeyField & "] ASC" Set rstHigherRange = MyDB.OpenRecordset(strSQL) rstHigherRange.MoveLast iCount1 = rstHigherRange.RecordCount strSQL = "Select * " strSQL = strSQL & " FROM [" & strTable & "] " strSQL = strSQL & " WHERE [" & strPrimaryKeyField & "] < " & iTestNext strSQL = strSQL & " ORDER BY [" & strPrimaryKeyField & "] ASC" Set rstLowerRange = MyDB.OpenRecordset(strSQL) rstLowerRange.MoveLast iCount2 = rstLowerRange.RecordCount If iCount1 = 0 Or (iCount1 <> iCount2) Then Debug.Print "Could not create an equal number of records in " & strTable & ", could not reseed " & strTable strSQL = "Delete * from [" & strTable & "] Where [" & strPrimaryKeyField & "] >" & iTestNext Err.Clear MyDB.Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError If Err.Number <> 0 Then Stop Exit Sub End If rstLowerRange.MoveFirst rstHigherRange.MoveFirst 'Set all values for the reference field in the related table to the value we have sublimated the primary key field value to in the main table Do Until rstHigherRange.EOF For Each Rel In MyDB.Relations If Rel.Table = Tdf.Name Then For iRelFields = 0 To Rel.Fields.Count - 1 For Each fldPK In Tdf.Indexes("PrimaryKey").Fields If Rel.Fields(iRelFields).Name = fldPK.Name Then strSQL = "Update [" & Rel.ForeignTable & "]" strSQL = strSQL & " Set [" & Rel.Fields(iRelFields).ForeignName & "] = " strSQL = strSQL & rstHigherRange.Fields(strPrimaryKeyField) strSQL = strSQL & " WHERE " strSQL = strSQL & " [" & Rel.Fields(iRelFields).ForeignName & "] = " & rstLowerRange.Fields(strPrimaryKeyField) Err.Clear MyDB.Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError If Err.Number <> 0 Then Stop End If Next Next End If Next rstHigherRange.MoveNext rstLowerRange.MoveNext Loop 'Delete predecessor records now that the tables which refer to them have all been updated strSQL = "Delete From [" & strTable & "] " strSQL = strSQL & " Where [" & strPrimaryKeyField & "] < " & iTestNext Err.Clear MyDB.Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError If Err.Number <> 0 Then Stop 'The next routine makes sure that there is a valid value from each table that strTable has a foreign key to, 'that we may use as dummy values in all the required fields in strTable... otherwise we could not append 'dummy records with highest_record_number and 0 from the Temp table into strTable ReDim VarFieldsTemp(1 To 2, 0 To 0) For Each Rel In MyDB.Relations If Rel.ForeignTable = strTable Then strSQL = "ALTER TABLE Temp ADD COLUMN [" & Rel.Fields(0).ForeignName & "] Long" Err.Clear MyDB.Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError If Err.Number <> 0 Then Stop iUB = UBound(VarFieldsTemp, 2) + 1 If iUB = 1 Then ReDim VarFieldsTemp(1 To 2, 1 To iUB) Else ReDim Preserve VarFieldsTemp(1 To 2, 1 To iUB) End If VarFieldsTemp(1, iUB) = Rel.Fields(0).ForeignName VarFieldsTemp(2, iUB) = DMin("[" & Rel.Fields(0).Name & "]", Rel.Table) End If Next 'insert the highest possible recordid strSQL = "Insert into [Temp] (" strSQL = strSQL & "[" & strPrimaryKeyField & "]) Values (" & HIGHEST_POSSIBLE_VALUE & ")" Err.Clear MyDB.Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError If Err.Number <> 0 Then Stop 'Update the other fields with valid values from related tables which strTable has foreign keys to strTempFields = "[" & strPrimaryKeyField & "]" 'Put other required values in the table due to FKs in strTable For i = 1 To UBound(VarFieldsTemp, 2) strTempFields = strTempFields & ",[" & VarFieldsTemp(1, i) & "]" strSQL = "Update [Temp] Set [" & VarFieldsTemp(1, i) & "] = " & VarFieldsTemp(2, i) Err.Clear MyDB.Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError If Err.Number <> 0 Then Stop Next 'Append this dummy record with highest possible record value to strTable Err.Clear MyDB.Execute "Insert Into [" & strTable & "] (" & strTempFields & ") Select " & strTempFields & " From [Temp]", dbFailOnError If Err.Number <> 0 Then Stop 'Now insert a record starting at zero so that when we re-add all records advanced to higher pk sequence back to strTable, they start at 1 strSQL = "Update [Temp] Set [" & strPrimaryKeyField & "] = 0" Err.Clear MyDB.Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError If Err.Number <> 0 Then Stop 'Re-add all strTables records to itself Err.Clear MyDB.Execute "Insert Into [" & strTable & "] (" & strTempFields & ") Select " & strTempFields & " From [Temp]", dbFailOnError If Err.Number <> 0 Then Stop 'Clear the two dummy records strSQL = "Delete from [" & strTable & "] Where [" & strPrimaryKeyField & "] In (0, " & HIGHEST_POSSIBLE_VALUE & ")" Err.Clear MyDB.Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError If Err.Number <> 0 Then Stop 'From here on out all records should be 1, 2 when they are added 'Add the records in one more time so that they will sequence starting at 1 Err.Clear MyDB.Execute "Insert Into [" & strTable & "] (" & strFields & ") Select " & strFields & " from [" & strTable & "] order by [" & strPrimaryKeyField & "] Asc", dbFailOnError If Err.Number <> 0 Then Stop 'Let's test If DCount("[" & strPrimaryKeyField & "]", strTable, "[" & strPrimaryKeyField & "] <" & iTestNext & " And [" & strPrimaryKeyField & "] > 0") = DCount("[" & strPrimaryKeyField & "]", strTable, "[" & strPrimaryKeyField & "] >" & iTestNext) Then Debug.Print "Reseed successful, range of [" & strPrimaryKeyField & "] in [" & strTable & "] is now from " & DMin("[" & strPrimaryKeyField & "]", strTable, "[" & strPrimaryKeyField & "] <" & iTestNext & " and [" & strPrimaryKeyField & "] >0") & " to " & DMax("[" & strPrimaryKeyField & "]", strTable, "[" & strPrimaryKeyField & "] <" & iTestNext) Else Debug.Print "Reseed unsuccessful, the count of records is off" Stop End If 'Prepare to do the final swap strSQL = "Select * from [" & strTable & "] " strSQL = strSQL & " WHERE [" & strPrimaryKeyField & "] > " & iTestNext strSQL = strSQL & " ORDER BY [" & strPrimaryKeyField & "] ASC" Set rstHigherRange = MyDB.OpenRecordset(strSQL) rstHigherRange.MoveLast iCount1 = rstHigherRange.RecordCount strSQL = "Select * from [" & strTable & "] " strSQL = strSQL & " WHERE [" & strPrimaryKeyField & "] < " & iTestNext strSQL = strSQL & " ORDER BY [" & strPrimaryKeyField & "] ASC" Set rstLowerRange = MyDB.OpenRecordset(strSQL) rstLowerRange.MoveLast iCount2 = rstLowerRange.RecordCount If iCount1 = 0 Or (iCount1 <> iCount2) Then Debug.Print "Could not create an equal number of records in " & strTable & ", or else sequencing failed - could not reseed " & strTable strSQL = "Delete * from [" & strTable & "] Where [" & strPrimaryKeyField & "] <" & iTestNext Err.Clear MyDB.Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError If Err.Number <> 0 Then Stop Exit Sub End If rstLowerRange.MoveFirst rstHigherRange.MoveFirst 'Rerun the swap Do Until rstHigherRange.EOF For Each Rel In MyDB.Relations If Rel.Table = Tdf.Name Then For iRelFields = 0 To Rel.Fields.Count - 1 For Each fldPK In Tdf.Indexes("PrimaryKey").Fields If Rel.Fields(iRelFields).Name = fldPK.Name Then strSQL = "Update [" & Rel.ForeignTable & "] " strSQL = strSQL & "Set [" & Rel.Fields(iRelFields).ForeignName & "] = " & rstLowerRange.Fields(strPrimaryKeyField) strSQL = strSQL & " WHERE [" & Rel.Fields(iRelFields).ForeignName & "] = " & rstHigherRange.Fields(strPrimaryKeyField) Err.Clear MyDB.Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError If Err.Number <> 0 Then Stop End If Next Next End If Next rstHigherRange.MoveNext rstLowerRange.MoveNext Loop 'Delete the duplicates left in the higher range, those above iMax strSQL = "Delete from [" & strTable & "] Where [" & strPrimaryKeyField & "] > " & iTestNext Err.Clear MyDB.Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError If Err.Number <> 0 Then Stop 'Put back indexes after duplicates removed Set Fld = Nothing Set Tdf = Nothing Set Rst = Nothing Set rstHigherRange = Nothing Set rstLowerRange = Nothing Set Rst = Nothing PutOnIndexes: Set rstIndexes = MyDB.OpenRecordset("Select * from [Temp_RetainIndexes]") If Not rstIndexes.EOF Then rstIndexes.MoveFirst On Error Resume Next Do Until rstIndexes.EOF strSQL = "CREATE " strSQL = strSQL & IIf(CBool(rstIndexes!IsUnique), " UNIQUE ", "") strSQL = strSQL & " Index " strSQL = strSQL & rstIndexes!TheName strSQL = strSQL & " on " strSQL = strSQL & "[" & strTable & "] " strSQL = strSQL & "(" & rstIndexes!TheFields & ")" strSQL = strSQL & IIf(CBool(rstIndexes!IsRequired), " WITH DISALLOW NULL", "") strSQL = strSQL & ";" 'We don't worry about errors here because we know that the ones related to relations were never going to be deletable anyway Err.Clear MyDB.Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError Debug.Print Err.Description rstIndexes.MoveNext Loop End If Set rstIndexes = Nothing End Sub