[AccessD] copy all multivalue field values

Stuart McLachlan stuart at lexacorp.com.pg
Sun Mar 2 16:18:39 CST 2014

They're not actually stored all together in the original table  - it just looks that way.  The are 
really normalized child records which are hidden by the system.

This is just one of the many reasons that MVFs should be avoided (along with attachment 
and hyperlink fields).


On 2 Mar 2014 at 13:18, Susan Harkins wrote:

> A reader wants to append the values in a multivalue field to a second
> table, but he wants to append them as is - in a single row. By
> default, an append query creates a new row for each value. Seems like
> it should be easy to tell Access to keep them all together as they're
> stored in the original table, but I'm not finding it. Any help? 
> Susan H. 
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