[AccessD] Windows 8

John W Colby jwcolby at gmail.com
Tue Mar 4 14:41:23 CST 2014

    Definition of/LUDDITE/

*:*  one of a group of early 19th century English workmen destroying laborsaving machinery as a 
protest;/broadly/*:* one who is opposed to especially technological change

Explain to me please how Windows 8 is a "labor saving machinery". And I work every day in a field 
where technological change happens around me and I use and adapt to it.  WHEN AND WHERE IT WORKS FOR 
ME.  Windows 8 is not the first, nor will it be the last "improvement" that doesn't work for me and 
I will not use.

Windows 8 desktop mode is NOT what I was after.  I worked with Pains 8.0 for two months.  I worked 
in the "desktop". It sucked the whole time.  It never got better.  It was so annoying that when I 
had to get work done I switched to my old Wndows 7 computer.  I had a brand new thousand dollar 
POWERFUL laptop intentionally crippled to look like a damned Windows phone.

Windows 8 desktop is a lobotomized Windows 7.  Intentionally crippled.  I am happy you like it but 
that does not make it "labor saving" nor does it make ME a Luddite, a curmudgeon, or a fanbois of 
Windows 7.

Go out and read the reviews for crying out loud.  They all say essentially "If you like Windows 7, 
stay far far away from Windows 8", which pretty much sums it up.  When it was time to buy a laptop I 
was not offered a choice of Windows 7 or Windows 8.  I received Windows 8, and struggled for TWO 
DAMNED MONTHS.  I hated my new laptop.  I do not do social, I have no need for "Immersive" full 
screen calculators.  I have no need or desire for "active tiles" feeding me ever changing content.  
Or for that matter "immersive" full screen browsers, text editors or anything else. I have no use 
for Panes as opposed to Windows.  They are not better, they are AT MOST different, and in many cases 
for many purposes WORSE than real windows.  But, as with the rest of the "modern UI 'improvements'", 
We are not given a choice.  Suck it up and adapt.  Why?

"Improvements" are supposed to make things better, solve a problem.    You do understand that the 
ENTIRE OBJECTIVE of Windows 8 is to make a unified UI that will work on the desktop, tablet and 
phone.  They did in fact accomplish that.

Of course "worked" is a relative term.  The desktop does in fact still "work".  It just doesn't 
"work" as well, depending on the feature set of Windows 7 that you used previously.  The problem 
they solved was to make Windows work on a phone / tablet and desktop.  That is not a problem that I 
need solved, and the changes that they made to "solve" a problem I didn't need solved made Windows 8 

I simply have no need for or use for the "improvements" which turned my laptop into a phone / 
tablet.  I have no intention of EVER using a Windows phone, or tablet.  And the "Modern UI" that I 
am left with in Windows 8 is seriously less capable (for me) than what it replaced.  That is, simply 
put, a Win (for MS) / Lose (for me) situation.

Your calling me a Luddite doesn't change that reality.

John W. Colby

Reality is what refuses to go away
when you do not believe in it

On 3/4/2014 3:05 PM, Salakhetdinov Shamil wrote:
>   >  I have to tell you that it was a scary moment...
> "Luddite moment"? ;)
> You could have just used to use [WindowKey] + [D] to get switched into Win8.x desktop mode...
> -- Shamil
> Tuesday, March  4, 2014 2:20 PM -05:00 from John W Colby <jwcolby at gmail.com>:
>>> OK, I learned a lot from that vid and I'm convinced - for me W8 is totally useless. None of my
>> gestures have any effect on my machines.

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