Charlotte Foust
charlotte.foust at
Thu Sep 11 14:32:32 CDT 2014
If the client insists on a particular UI design that I feel is a poor solution, I don't take the contract. No point in subjecting myself to abuse I can avoid. That's one of the advantages of free lancing. Charlotte On Thu, Sep 11, 2014 at 11:13 AM, James Button <jamesbutton at > wrote: > My first consideration is the relationship you have with the users of the > delivered system. > > If your contact with them is you provide it as specified by the > 'management' > than that is what you should do. > Yes, you may discuss your concept of what is needed from the facility. > And following that - maybe discuss what else the system may be required to > do, > and techniques that you, as an experienced developer believe are worth the > extra > effort - and consequent up-front cost with the targeted offset of future > costs. > > That is basically a COST concept. > > Maybe you can suggest that some techniques be adopted as being minimal > cost to > avoid major constraints later > - Y2K being a prime example - save 2 digits in a date - so the users don't > have > to enter the leading 19 all the time. > AND - note the windows environment actually includes that concept - with a > user > specifiable range of years to be associated with the current century and > the > prior century. > > If you are working with the users then you have a good opening to > prototype the > facility and introduce what to you seem to be good design and input data > handling and processing, while addressing the background maintenance and > reporting needs. > > For instance - entering an animal - include their parents - with a search > facility as a subsidiary option from the entry screen so they can search > for the > entries. > But - what if the parent entries need to be entered - do that as a > subsidiary > process, or require them current entry to be abandoned in order to enter > the > parent entries. > > Then - Species - allow that to be selected from a list - with addition of > new > ones - or require a separate panel to 'add' > Well you are going to need a panel for add, change, delete maintenance, and > should you allow delete with cascade, or do it without cascade and leave > orphan > entries > If a 'supervisor' has to do the delete, do they use a different panel, or > the > same panel with actions greyed out > > Strict normalisation - or just as needed for what they will be doing > Stored procs - VBA on forms - DBMS with GUI included, built-in, or built-on > audit and rebuild facilities > > It all comes down to money, and your relationship with the client as in is > that > interface at end- user, IT, or corporate management level, or maybe follow > the > documented & contracted requirements. > > I feel that those clients who willingly discuss matters of design with me > at > contract time get a far better result than those who tell me what they > want and > how it is to be done. > And overall, I probably made more profit from the latter group than from > those > who were guided to systems that were logical and easy for them to > understand > and use. > > So - Horses for courses, providing the best ( to the clients view) > facility you > can for the money, and within their constraints > > JimB > >