[AccessD] Scanning documents as attachment

James Button jamesbutton at blueyonder.co.uk
Thu Sep 25 11:45:59 CDT 2014

I'd adopt a slightly different approach:
Allocate a structure of folders for the documents:
Grouping the relevant files in a folder with the id of the animal to which the
documents in the folder apply.

A new table of hyperlinks to the files and a FK link to the primary entry for
that animal.

There may well be times when a document applies to multiple animals, and for
them I would put them into an appropriate folder and create multiple link

Yes - it will need a form that allows the user to setup multiple FK entries on a
file, having selected the file using a directory~file selection panel.

You could also setup a batch type facility to create a list of files in that
structure, and present the user with the name of each file that is not already
in the appropriate table in the system.

Might be nice to have that form present the hyperlink so the user can view the
file from the form, and make the appropriate entry in the form before they close
the file.

It may be appropriate to set permissions on the folder (and subfolders) allowing
creation of files but not modification or deletion.
It may also be appropriate to include a file versioning key on the table so that
a replacement (newer) version of a file can be indicated in the list form that
shows documents associated with the animal
And - maybe on that selection form allow from~to dates to be set for the files
to be extracted, and a further form to show the other FK's of the files that
match the specified Animal  - as in Animal selected gives PK, find doc entries
with that as their FK, and then find all entries with the same hyperlink as
those files selected for the Animal

>From experience - A major problem with documentation hive is people moving
files, renaming them, or opening them for amendment.
Follow that with old app software on some systems so those users can't read
files created using newer versions of the app - so keep a store of the latest
'readers' for files.   
Publish a list of 'supported' and acceptable app versions and file types and
have a script to check for inappropriate ones.
Things like xlsm, docx etc. need consideration as they can include scripts that
run as the file is opened by the app. 

And for more fun - some documents get 'saved' as a cluster of small components,
so the number of OS recognised 'files' in the  filestore can become large, and
need care to retain the structure when doing maintenance and other management


-----Original Message-----
From: accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com
[mailto:accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com] On Behalf Of Rocky Smolin
Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2014 4:28 PM
To: 'Access Developers discussion and problem solving'
Subject: Re: [AccessD] Scanning documents as attachment

I think you would want to first set up a folder for all the documents.  I
assume that they'd become pdfs?  And all scanned docs go into that folder.

Than, add a field to the Animal table for each document you want to store.
Make it a hyperlink format.

On the animal form, you will have a bound text box, locked but not disabled
so the click event will fire.  When you hover over it, the pointer will turn
into a finger because it's a hyperlink (and it won't be editable.  Next to
each text box a command button will pop up the file finder (I've got code in
the can for that - I still use the Littwin, Getz ADH code for that), and
having selected the document, that path and file name goes into the bound
text box and the table. And voila!  Documents can be popped up with a click
on the field. Just be sure that the pdf file type is associated with a pdf
reader that's loaded onto the target machine.


-----Original Message-----
From: accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com
[mailto:accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com] On Behalf Of Susan Harkins
Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2014 8:07 AM
To: Access Developers discussion and problem solving
Subject: [AccessD] Scanning documents as attachment

The animal tracking database is moving along. It's slow going because it's
my lowest priority, but I get a little done most days.

Along with each new animal, there will be paperwork -- permits and vet exams
that are required by law. The manager would like to scan these and be able
to click a button to see them. I can teach her how to do this manually, but
it would be great if I could smooth the whole thing around the edges.

Have any of you coded this kind of functionality and if so -- what should I
keep in mind, watch for -- let's discuss please. :)

Susan H.

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