[AccessD] Confused by One to Many versus One to One

Charlotte Foust charlotte.foust at gmail.com
Sun Jan 4 12:05:16 CST 2015

Yup.  Another good reason for 1-to-1 is the size of the record itself and
the limitations of the engine.


On Sun, Jan 4, 2015 at 8:57 AM, Tina Norris Fields <
tinanfields at torchlake.com> wrote:

> Oh, I just found another one-to-one relationship deal - the US Census
> summary file data.  Here's the trick.  Each state has a master table, then
> there are 47 segments of data, divided up into separate tables.  The
> LogRecordId is the same in the master table and in each of the segment
> tables,  All this divvying up is because the data load is huge and won't
> all fit in a 2Gb database, so they use a sort of "import the parts you want
> from all the comma delimited text files" technique .  I found that tedious,
> so I'm using linked tables to get around the 2Gb limits.
> [I'm working on the township's parks & recreation 5-year master plan -
> that's why I'm deep in the Census data.]
> Tina Norris Fields
> tinanfields-at-torchlake-dot-com
> 231-322-2787

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