[AccessD] AccessDay Was: Re[2]: Ribbon customization failing to show my tab

Salakhetdinov Shamil mcp2004 at mail.ru
Sun Jan 18 13:00:10 CST 2015

 I'm not flattering Charlotte,  I'm just simply stating the obvious.

Deep thanks, for your remembering my "DEEP" article, Charlotte! ;)

Well, it ("DEEP-objects concept" article, 1998) was (a bit) naïve but it was conceptually correct, actually it was (a "reinvention of the wheel",) a  variety of MVC software design pattern implementations. When publishing my article I was unaware that MVC pattern was first introduced in 1976 ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Model%E2%80%93view%E2%80%93controller ) and described in details in 1995 by "Gang of four" ( http://www.blackwasp.co.uk/GofPatterns.aspx ).  I should have known that previous works.

And you see MVC (pun intended :) ) software design pattern is applied everywhere nowadays 

- ASP.NET MVC 5 ( http://dotnetcodes.com/dotnetcodes/code/Interview-Questions-129-ASPNET-MVC-Overview.aspx ) l

- AngularJS (well it's MVW :) -  http://job-blog.bullgare.ru/2013/07/angularjs-mvc-or-mvvm/ )

- Cocoa ( https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/General/Conceptual/DevPedia-CocoaCore/MVC.html ) 

but it still a real PITA to apply MVC pattern in MS Access VBA-driven apps as VBA is not well suited for advanced custom software development and will probably never be.

Thank you.

-- Shamil

Sun, 18 Jan 2015 10:12:15 -0800 from Charlotte Foust <charlotte.foust at gmail.com>:
>Don't flatter an old woman like that, Shamil.  It'll go to my head, which
>is already big enough! ;-) <BLUSH/>
>Seriously, a comment like that means a lot coming from you.  I got started
>with classes by reading your DEEP article.
>On Sun, Jan 18, 2015 at 10:00 AM, Salakhetdinov Shamil < mcp2004 at mail.ru >
>>  Hi Charlotte --
>> I wish I could afford it too, maybe more for the fun to take a Caribbean
>> Cruise than anything else..
>> It's great to hear that you have a waiting queue of MS Access projects!
>> You're an outstanding MS Access developer, no doubts.
>> Thank you.
>> -- Shamil
>> Sun, 18 Jan 2015 05:53:27 -0800 from Charlotte Foust <
>>  charlotte.foust at gmail.com >:
>> >Wish I could afford that trip, Shamil.  Armen Stein is a great guy and I'm
>> >sure there will be plenty of other Access MVPs aboard.  I hadn't heard
>> >about the cruise, but I'll be going to the Portland Access Users Group
>> >annual conference in May, which will also be heavy with MVPs, including
>> >Armen.  There definitely still is work in Access development, and IT
>> >departments don't object to well-built apps that can be maintained by
>> admin
>> >users.  They object to the ones the users themselves build (so do I!).
>> I'm
>> >currently working on a project for a non-medical department at Kaiser and
>> >have two more short term projects lined up with a nearby county and
>> another
>> >large healthcare provider.  I didn't have to sell them on Access, it's
>> what
>> >they wanted because they are familiar with it.  Recruiters call me for the
>> >jobs.
>> >
>> >Charlotte
>> >
>> >On Sat, Jan 17, 2015 at 10:57 PM, Salakhetdinov Shamil <  mcp2004 at mail.ru
>> >
>> >wrote:
>> >
>> >>
>> >> >> But we have been let down, from a vibrant tool to a piece of crap
>> >> >> that leaves the developers constantly having to build work arounds to
>> >> get
>> >> >> features working propertly.
>> >>
>> >> Last ship (of MS Access developers)? ;)
>> >>  http://www.jstreettech.com/AccessDay.aspx
>> >>
>> >> -- Shamil
>> >>
<<< skipped >>>

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