[AccessD] Ac2013 running out of resources
Jim Dettman
jimdettman at verizon.net
Fri Jun 5 07:48:05 CDT 2015
See if the below runs any better.
Sub DoManagerReportsWest(strStartDate As String, strEndDate As String,
Optional prmFiscalYear)
Dim CurDB As dao.Database
Dim objFSOFolder As Folder
Dim objFSO As FileSystemObject
Dim strPath As String
Dim strReportPath As String
Dim qrydef As dao.QueryDef
Dim rst As dao.Recordset
Dim rstTest As dao.Recordset
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strSQLqryDef As String
Dim steSQLInsert As String
Dim strSQLDelete As String
On Error GoTo DoManagerReportsWest_Error
' Make sure we have a report folder. If not, try and create it.
Set CurDB = CurrentDb
Set objFSO = New FileSystemObject
strPath = left(CurDB.Name, InStrRev(CurDB.Name, "\") - 1)
On Error Resume Next
Set objFSOFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(strPath & "\Reports\" & Format(Date,
"Mmm dd"))
If objFSOFolder Is Nothing Then
Set objFSOFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(strPath & "\Reports")
If objFSOFolder Is Nothing Then
Set objFSOFolder = objFSO.CreateFolder(strPath & "\Reports")
End If
On Error GoTo DoManagerReportsWest_Error
Set objFSOFolder = objFSO.CreateFolder(strPath & "\Reports\" &
Format(Date, "Mmmdd "))
End If
' If we don't have a folder, no sense running the reports.
If objFSOFolder Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Cannot output reports to disk - aborting"
strPath = objFSOFolder.Path
Set objFSOFolder = Nothing
' Get the reports to run.
strSQL = "SELECT DISTINCT B.ID, B.Name AS [Engagement Manager],
B.[first Name] as FirstName, B.Email"
strSQL = strSQL & " FROM ([User Information List] AS B INNER JOIN
[PDRTracking] AS A ON B.[ID] = A.[Tax Manager])"
strSQL = strSQL & " LEFT JOIN tblCityRegion ON B.City =
tblCityRegion.City WHERE tblCityRegion.Region='West'"
Set rst = CurDB.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
Do Until rst.EOF
' Generate the SQL required for the report.
Set qrydef = CurDB.QueryDefs("Deliverables by Eng Manager")
strSQLqryDef = qrydef.SQL
strSQLqryDef = left(strSQLqryDef, InStr(strSQLqryDef, "WHERE ")
- 1)
strSQLqryDef = strSQLqryDef & " WHERE [Tax Manager] = " &
rst.Fields(0).Value & " AND [Deal Status] LIKE 'Signed*' "
strSQLqryDef = strSQLqryDef & " AND tblCityRegion.Region='West'"
strSQLqryDef = strSQLqryDef & " AND ([Sign Date] Between #" &
strStartDate & "# AND #" & strEndDate & "#"
If Not IsMissing(prmFiscalYear) Then
strSQLqryDef = strSQLqryDef & " AND NZ([Fiscal Year],'" &
CStr(prmFiscalYear) & "') = '" & CStr(prmFiscalYear) & "')"
strSQLqryDef = strSQLqryDef & ")"
End If
strSQLqryDef = strSQLqryDef & " AND [PDR Tracking].[Tax Partner]
Is Not Null "
strSQLqryDef = strSQLqryDef & " ORDER BY [User Information
List].City Asc, [PDRTracking].[Tax Manager] Asc;"
qrydef.SQL = strSQLqryDef
Set qrydef = Nothing
Set rstTest = CurDB.OpenRecordset(strSQLqryDef)
If Not rstTest.EOF Then
strReportPath = strPath & "\" & Replace$(rst.Fields(1), "/",
" ") & "_Deliverables By Manager (West) Signed " &
Format(CDate(strStartDate), "yyyy_mm_dd") & " to " &
Format(CDate(strEndDate), "yyyy_mm_dd") & ".pdf"
On Error Resume Next
Kill strReportPath
On Error GoTo DoManagerReportsWest_Error
DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "rptDeliverableManager",
acFormatPDF, strReportPath
strSQLDelete = "Delete From tblBatchReports "
strSQLDelete = strSQLDelete & " WHERE "
strSQLDelete = strSQLDelete & " ReportName = 'Deliverables
By Manager (West)'"
strSQLDelete = strSQLDelete & " AND SignDateBegin = #" &
strStartDate & "#"
strSQLDelete = strSQLDelete & " AND SignDateEnd = #" &
strEndDate & "#"
strSQLDelete = strSQLDelete & " AND Employee = '" &
rst.Fields("Engagement Manager") & "'"
strSQLDelete = strSQLDelete & " AND Sent IS NULL"
CurDB.Execute strSQLDelete, dbFailOnError
steSQLInsert = "Insert Into
steSQLInsert = steSQLInsert & " VALUES ('Deliverables By
Manager (West)',"
steSQLInsert = steSQLInsert & "#" & strStartDate & "#,"
steSQLInsert = steSQLInsert & "#" & strEndDate & "#,"
steSQLInsert = steSQLInsert & "#" & Format(Date, "m/d/yyyy")
& "#,"
steSQLInsert = steSQLInsert & "'" & strReportPath & "',"
steSQLInsert = steSQLInsert & "'" & rst.Fields("Engagement
Manager") & "',"
steSQLInsert = steSQLInsert & "'" & rst.Fields("FirstName")
& "',"
steSQLInsert = steSQLInsert & "'" & rst.Fields("Email") &
CurDB.Execute steSQLInsert, dbFailOnError
End If
Set rstTest = Nothing
End If
On Error Resume Next
Set rstTest = Nothing
Set qrydef = Nothing
Set rst = Nothing
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Unexpected Error: " & vb.Err
Resume DoManagerReportsWest_Exit
End Sub
-----Original Message-----
From: AccessD [mailto:accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com] On Behalf Of
Bill Benson
Sent: Thursday, June 04, 2015 05:07 PM
To: Access Developers discussion and problem solving
Subject: [AccessD] Ac2013 running out of resources
I have the following routine. Access is running out of resources after
about the 60th item in the resordset (Rst). I can't understand why, since I
keep updating the SQL of the same querydef, on which the (very simply)
report is based, and am outputting to PDF. It happens even if I remove the
insertion logic below the reporting output logic.
Any experience and assistance would be very greatly appreciated.
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