[AccessD] FW: VBA Function

Fred Hooper fahooper at gmail.com
Wed Aug 9 08:51:15 CDT 2017

Hi Rocky,

He might try the CHARINDEX (equivalent to InStr, note reversed parameter 
order) approach:

  rs.Source = "SELECT LName, FName From tClients "&  _

         "WHERE CHARINDEX('"&  stEmail&  "',[E-Mail])>  0"


> Rocky Smolin <mailto:rockysmolin at bchacc.com>
> Wednesday, August 09, 2017 9:41 AM
> Dear Lists:
> I don't do much with ADO and less with SQL. The back end here is SQL.
> He says if he puts the code into the QBE it retrieves all the clients with
> the string in their email address. But in the code it only retrieves one.
> Does anyone see why the code below doesn't work for him?
> Rocky Smolin
> Beach Access Software
> 760-683-5777
> www.bchacc.com
> www.e-z-mrp.com
> Skype: rocky.smolin
> From: James Charlton [mailto:James at charltonweeks.com]
> Sent: Monday, August 07, 2017 11:17 AM
> To: Rocky Smolin
> Subject: VBA Function
> I am using the following function to find a client by an email address:
> It works ONLY IF a client is found that only has one email and this is it.
> Some clients have multiple emails listed and there are multiple 
> clients that
> have the search item in their emails.
> I want all the clients that have the search item in their email field.
> How do I fix this?
> jc
> Public Function FetchNameFrmEMailPart(ByVal stEMP) As String
> Dim conn As ADODB.Connection, rs As ADODB.Recordset
> Dim stAns As String, stEmail As String
> Set conn = New ADODB.Connection
> conn.ConnectionString = Bwq
> conn.Open
> Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
> stEMP = Nz(stEMP, "")
> stEmail = "%" & stEMP & "%"
> rs.Source = "SELECT LName, FName From tClients " & _
> "WHERE [E-Mail] like '" & stEmail & "'"
> rs.ActiveConnection = conn
> rs.Open
> stAns = ""
> Do While Not rs.EOF
> stAns = stAns & rs(0) & ", " & rs(1) & vbCrLf
> rs.MoveNext
> Loop
> FetchNameFrmEMailPart = stAns
> rs.Close
> conn.Close
> End Function
> James Charlton
> Charlton Weeks LLP
> 1031 W Ave M14, Suite A
> Palmdale, CA 93551
> 661-265-0969

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