[AccessD] File Date Time

Dan Waters df.waters at outlook.com
Wed Jul 26 13:21:43 CDT 2017

In the folder that holds these picture files, on the top row of column headers, right-click on Date Modified and select Date Created.  Check to see if those dates are different to begin with.  If not then getting that date in code won’t help anyway.

IIRC there is something about Create Date of a file that causes it to change when you’d expect that it wouldn’t.


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From: Rocky Smolin<mailto:rockysmolin at bchacc.com>
Sent: Wednesday, July 26, 2017 13:07
To: 'Access Developers discussion and problem solving'<mailto:accessd at databaseadvisors.com>; 'Off Topic'<mailto:dba-ot at databaseadvisors.com>
Subject: [AccessD] File Date Time

Dear List:

Still working with renaming a folder full of pictures.  As Stuart suggested
I'm creating a table of photos I the folder with names and date.  But I'm

  strFileName = Dir$(strFolder & strFileSpec)

  While strFileName <> ""


       rs!fldPhotosFileName = strFileName

       rs!fldPhotosFileDate = FileDateTime(strFolder & strFileName)


       lngCount = lngCount + 1

      strFileName = Dir$



  Set rs = Nothing

but FileDateTime as described in the msdn page is the tie the file was
created or last modified.  I need the creation date as some of them have
been modified but I need to rename them in create date sequence.

Is there a way to get just Create Date?



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