[AccessD] Output a tabledef

Borge Hansen pcs.accessd at gmail.com
Thu Jan 20 20:13:09 CST 2022

Hi Arthur,

Try this:

Function Scripting()

Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim ff As String
ff = "S:\GMSC\Structure.txt"
Open ff For Output As #1
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("tbdDischarges")
    For x = 0 To rs.Fields.Count - 1
    Print #1, rs.Fields(x).Name & vbTab & rs.Fields(x).Type
    Close #1
    Set rs = Nothing

End Function

Or this:

Sub ListTablesAndFields()
     'Macro Purpose:  Write all table and field names to and Excel file
     'Source:  vbaexpress.com/kb/getarticle.php?kb_id=707
     'Updates by Derek - Added column headers, modified base setting
for loop to include all fields,
     '                   added type, size, and description properties to export

    Dim lTbl As Long
    Dim lFld As Long
    Dim dBase As Database
    Dim xlApp As Object
    Dim wbExcel As Object
    Dim lRow As Long

     'Set current database to a variable adn create a new Excel instance
    Set dBase = CurrentDb
    Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
    Set wbExcel = xlApp.workbooks.Add

     'Set on error in case there are no tables
    On Error Resume Next

    'DJK 2011/01/27 - Added in column headers below
    lRow = 1
    With wbExcel.sheets(1)
        .Range("A" & lRow) = "Table Name"
        .Range("B" & lRow) = "Field Name"
        .Range("C" & lRow) = "Type"
        .Range("D" & lRow) = "Size"
        .Range("E" & lRow) = "Description"
    End With

     'Loop through all tables
    For lTbl = 0 To dBase.TableDefs.Count
         'If the table name is a temporary or system table then ignore it
        If Left(dBase.TableDefs(lTbl).Name, 1) = "~" Or _
        Left(dBase.TableDefs(lTbl).Name, 4) = "MSYS" Then
             '~ indicates a temporary table
             'MSYS indicates a system level table
             'Otherwise, loop through each table, writing the table
and field names
             'to the Excel file
            For lFld = 0 To dBase.TableDefs(lTbl).Fields.Count - 1
'DJK 2011/01/27 - Changed initial base from 1 to 0, and added type,
size, and description
                lRow = lRow + 1
                With wbExcel.sheets(1)
                    .Range("A" & lRow) = dBase.TableDefs(lTbl).Name
                    .Range("B" & lRow) = dBase.TableDefs(lTbl).Fields(lFld).Name
                    .Range("C" & lRow) = dBase.TableDefs(lTbl).Fields(lFld).Type
                    .Range("D" & lRow) = dBase.TableDefs(lTbl).Fields(lFld).Size
                    .Range("E" & lRow) =
                End With
            Next lFld
        End If
    Next lTbl
     'Resume error breaks
    On Error GoTo 0

     'Set Excel to visible and release it from memory
    xlApp.Visible = True
    Set xlApp = Nothing
    Set wbExcel = Nothing

     'Release database object from memory
    Set dBase = Nothing

End Sub


On Fri, 21 Jan 2022 at 8:13 am, Arthur Fuller <fuller.artful at gmail.com>

> I want a portable procedure that assumes CurrentDb, or alternatively has a
> parameter pointing to the db of interest, and the second parameter is the
> name of a table therein. The result I'm after, minimally, is a list of all
> its fields and their significant attributes -- name, type, length,
> description, required, etc. The output should go to a file in case it's too
> lengthy for the debug widow (I don't think I'll correct that spelling
> mistake -- it's a Freudian slip! Ask either of my Exs if you doubt its
> insight LOL.)
> --
> Arthur
> --
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