[AccessD] Ribbon context
Bill Benson
bensonforums at gmail.com
Tue Jan 25 07:42:10 CST 2022
Guatav… sometimes I start a message on iPhone, Gmail puts the “sent from
iPhone” bottom amount into the draft itself. Then if I pick up where I left
off on a PC and forget to remove that auto-inserted code I sort of lie
about sending from iPhone but unintentionally.
On Tue, Jan 25, 2022 at 3:32 AM Gustav Brock via AccessD <
accessd at databaseadvisors.com> wrote:
> Hi Ryan
> You could run the application in runtime mode.
> /gustav
> PS: How do you manage typing that amount of text on your phone?
> -----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
> Fra: AccessD <accessd-bounces+gustav=cactus.dk at databaseadvisors.com> På
> vegne af Ryan W
> Sendt: 25. januar 2022 01:39
> Til: accessd at databaseadvisors.com
> Emne: [AccessD] Ribbon context
> In Access I’m trying to disable some ribbon buttons based on the form in
> question and permissions to delete records on that form.
> I’ve got the getEnabled logic worked out and it disables the delete button
> on the ribbon when I invalidate the control via the OnActivate event for
> the form (so it runs again if the form tab is switched back).
> My issue is we have hundreds of forms that would need an OnActivate event
> added so the delete button can be contextually controlled.
> Is there a better way to do this that isn’t a really fast timer event or
> some sort of class for handling that event on all forms (can you even
> instantiate a class object on a closed form?)
> Right now the delete button always shows but the code behind it will not
> succeed if the back end tables don’t grant the permissions, it would just
> be nice to sort of give a visual cue that the action isn’t possible.
> Sent from my iPhone
> --
> --
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