[AccessD] Excel Data Dump

Stuart McLachlan stuart at lexacorp.com.pg
Thu Mar 31 00:02:21 CDT 2022

am/pm and AM?PM force the time to be displayed as 12 hour times.

HH says to use leading zeros,

so 2:00 pm (14:00) would display as

03-31-22 02_52_00 PM 
Personally, I always use ISO8601 instead of region specific formats.  That way, files sort 
correctly by date and you don't get potentially problematic spaces in file names.

I'd use:strDT = Format(Now, "YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS") & ".xls"

On 31 Mar 2022 at 3:28, Paul Hartland via AccessD wrote:

> Hi Rocky,
> Just an idea what does strfilename produce, you have the datetime
> format to show am/pm yet the hours are 24 hour when using capital HH
> so not really required anyway, but apart from that when the debug
> passes strfikename have you looked at it ?
> strDT = Format(Now, "MM-DD-YY HH_MM_SS AM/PM") & ".xls"
>     strFileName = gstrFrontEndPath & "Property_Tenant_Data_Dump_" &
>     strDT
> Paul

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