[dba-SQLServer]OLEDB Connection

Susan Zeller szeller at cce.umn.edu
Mon Feb 17 12:53:48 CST 2003


Deleting a table will delete the table.  It's not a link but the actual

You'll have to upsize queries to views or stored procuedures.  When your
query accepts a parameter, you'll need to use a stored procedure.  There
are some key books that can help you get started on the basics.  Ask if
you need references.


-----Original Message-----
From: Julie Reardon-Taylor [mailto:prosoft6 at hotmail.com] 
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 11:18 AM
To: dba-sqlserver at databaseadvisors.com
Subject: [dba-SQLServer]OLEDB Connection

Okay.  I'm convinced.  Will never use ODBC for my connection to SQL
Trying to upsize to an Access Project.  Please excuse my ignorance as a 
newbie.  Everything went well, but I have a couple of questions.

When I choose to connect to the sql database, the tables appear just
fine in 
my project.  Am I seeing the actual tables, or are they linked?  In
words, if I delete a table (which I am not going to do, but just in
case) am 
I deleting the actual sql table or just my link to the table (as would
the case in an odbc connection)?

Because I am already using an odbc connection, when I upsize, the wizard

wants to upsize my tables a well(which already are sql tables).

I created a new project and just imported all forms, reports, etc.  I
get the option to import queries.  Obviously, they need to be upsized to

views, but I'm not sure how to do that.

See, I am definitely a newbie!

Julie Reardon-Taylor

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